Friday, July 22, 2011

It's Friggin Hot.

Normally I would post at the end of the week following my long run but I like to keep you on your toes. And I didn't do a long run last weekend so I didn't post an update.

I have finally started the official training - meaning, the training that is mapped out in a spreadsheet that is hanging on the refrigerator...this allows me to cross off the days as I do them. This seems to work well for me. I'm thinking maybe I should do something like this year round. After this weekend, I will have completed week 1 of the marathon training schedule.

All has been going well although I feel as if I have no stamina or endurance. First off, I don't think my body is made for running. I can powerwalk with no problems at all but within 30 seconds of going into a run I'm DONE. So my alternating run-walk-run has turned more to walk-run-walk. Maybe it's the heat...maybe it's not. And the fact that I keep looking at my watch to try to stick to some kind of set intervals is really starting to piss me off. I feel like it takes away from my ability to get into some sort of groove. Well wouldn't you know, Jeff Galloway posted on Twitter that he is now selling a vibrating interval timer that's about the size of a pedometer! I ordered it. I'm hoping for a few things - 1. it keeps me more consistent and honest with my intervals and 2. it allows me to get into some kind of groove.

Now let's talk heat. It's summer so I know it's hot. I've been getting out the door for my runs by 7:15am in order to beat some of the heat. But 105-110 degrees with humidity is a bit much for me. So yesterday, today & tomorrow I'm not running. But I also can't just sit here so I've started P90x. I started with Plyometrics. The dude specifically says this is for athletes (which I still don't consider myself) - it helps to build legs muscles, endurance, burn fat, etc. It kicked my ass. I had to modify a few things - whether they were just too damn hard or I didn't like the movement and I was a little afraid of hurting a knee or ankle. But I finished the 60 minutes o' torture. Yesterday I tried Shoulders & Arms. This was good. I used a lighter weight and did 15 reps each move. I sweat my booty off for 60 minutes with this one too. Today I may try to Kenpo for cardio.

My long run will be EARLY Sunday morning - and will be about 10 miles. Part of me is excited to get back into this but then part of me is scared as hell.

As for nutrition, I'm tracking my food on Sparkpeople. I like this BUT my one complaint is that it doesn't adjust my dietary requirements based on my physical activity. It has me eating 1200-1500 calories/day (this also gets broken down into carbs/protein/fat)...but with my run & P90x the other day I BURNED 700 did not make any adjustments for this. It suggests I make adjustments. If I knew how to do this properly, I probably wouldn't have to be tracking my food on Sparkpeople in the first place! I found another site that does this BUT it's also $3/week and although that doesn't seem like much, I feel like I'm gonna get ripped off.

That's about all for now. Stay cool.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

8.2 miles done...

After enjoying last weekend's holiday weekend, I was determined to kick consistent training into gear. I completed 4 days of 4 miles day of yoga and two days I added in about 20 minutes of pilates after my run. I was feeling pretty good. Until the "long run".
This week's long movement was to be 8 miles. My intention was to get this done Saturday but I got out the door just a little too late for a Triple H kind of summer day so I opted to just do 4 miles on Saturday and then the 8 miles on Sunday.
So today I set out around 7:30am. Definitely not as humid as yesterday. I didn't do too well. I got it done but it was rough. The first four miles just sucked. I just didn't have any kind of stamina. I wound up running a song and then walking a song. I also played around with my watch since it's been really off lately. At 4.1 miles I made a quick pit stop at home and took some GU. This seemed to help me get to mile 7. After that - it ALL went bad. If I could've taken a nap in the middle of the road I would have. It sucked. And the thing is, the last 4 miles I decided to do a reverse loop (something I've never done before)...what I didn't take into account was the damn hill I would hit at mile 7.5. I literally stopped in my tracks, groaned loudly and walked up it. By the time I got down the other side I was crying. I apologize to the residents here who saw me crawling and crying. Since I've never moved that direction before, you've never had the opportunity to witness this spectacle.
Needless to say, my confidence right now is at an all time low. I feel like a total shit. Once again I feel I'm in way over my head. And although I know I'm supposed to focus on the current movement (because that was most certainly not running) - I'm having a hard time believing I'm going to be able to "man up" and get the 26.2 damn miles done in 118 days.
On a positive note, my fundraising has hit 91%. Almost there!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

back to bidness...

OK - so last week I was consistent with my base building...this is an important step before training officially starts on July 18th. I did about 4 miles 3 times during the week then did an 8 mile long "movement". We've already established that I'm not necessarily's more of a jog, shuffle, walk, power walk, stop to cry, maybe dry heave, etc. But whatever you want to call it, I get it done.
As usual, I had my share of crazy people talk to me, pass me, whistle, etc. A friend's husband actually asked me if I wore skimpy clothes while running to invite the crazies. He was looking RIGHT at me when he said this with a serious face...I don't think he was joking. are looking at me! Does it look like I should be wearing skimpy clothes and moving??
In terms of pain, there wasn't much of it. I was very hot, tired and sweaty but that's about it. So far so good I guess.
This time around with training I'm also working on my nutrition and strength. The bourbon is on the shelf until I cross the finish line. I will have a beer here & there and there is no way in hell I'm cutting out my coffee...but I will, as usual, drink a shitload of water. I'm also fine-tuning my protein drink. Here's how I make it as of now (and it's quite delightful!):
3 ice cubes
1 scoop chocolate Spiru-tein
3 count pour of coconut water
6 oz. coconut MILK
1 small handful frozen mixed berries
1 tsp of flaxseed oil

I'm doing Vinyasa yoga about 2 times per week to stretch me out and help strengthen a bit...I'll keep the room kind of hot too in order to sweat out even more impurities and really heat up the muscles.

In terms of strength - I'm going old school. Hand weights, crunches, planks, squats, 4 direction leg lifts with ankle weights, push ups, etc.

Hopefully, putting all of this will help me, once again, cross that so very far away finish line.

For a few product reviews: My Adidas sneakers are super light and comfy...the Bondi Band I bought to absorb sweat is ok - but for a fraction of the cost you can buy a 5 pack of Goody fabric headbands that also absorb sweat & keep the hair out of the eyes...the 3 different styles of Thorlo socks work well and are super comfy too.

Could use YOUR help coming up with ideas for my playlist. I'm getting a little tired of listening to the same songs. I pretty much like all genres as long as there's a good beat.

Monday, June 27, 2011

It has begun!

OK - my sporadic activity is officially over with. For a few reasons. 1. I'm off for the summer so I have more time 2. My ass is threatening to grow and 3. The NYC Marathon is closer then I'm ready for.

The schedule is up on the fridge. It's daunting. I'm scared. But it will get done so here I go.

4 miles done today. I did more of a power walk. I followed that up with an awesome beverage of protein powder, lowfat milk, ice, coconut water and flaxseed  oil. Delicious!
I'm going to incorporate some old school kickboxing training with squats, crunches and pushups 3 days a week...and then yoga whenever I can fit it on. I have the time during the summer so it's the perfect time to kick things into high gear.

And my new watch pretty much sucks. I have to figure out how to get my battery changed CORRECTLY on my Garmin. I'm not going to focus so much on time but I definitely need it for distance.

As I did last year, I will blog at the end of each week after the long run. Run bitches, run.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hangover Run...

ERRRR....WAIT A MINUTE!! Actually - for the thousands of women who ran today in Central Park it was actually the Mini 10K but for me (oh - I'm SURE I'm not alone!) it was a rough hangover run.
That, of course, was not my intention. The plan was to run a decent race and beat last year's time by like 10 minutes. What happened was this:
Friday night was the end of year dinner party for my school. I figured I would have a glass of sangria and then stick to water. Like all of a sudden I'm someone else :) But let's not blame me - let's blame Mosaico Restaurant for making some delicious sangria. I didn't really overeat except maybe for some bread (I'm addicted to bread)...and although I did drink a ton of water, I simply had a tiny bit too much alcohol. I will pat myself on the back for deciding to cut out the sangria and switch to a beer though. I'm an idiot.
So bedtime came around midnight for me (around 3 HOURS later than my regular snooze time). Holy shit! The alarm clock went off at 5 AM!! AM!! I stumbled downstairs and started coffee and kept wishing that somehow I could figure out a way to go back to sleep. It was just painful. I am an 8 hour/night sleeper. I can get by on7 hours but anything less and I feel extremely deprived. And grumpy.
So my mom & I get to Central Park - meet up with teammate, Sharon, and a couple of her friends and off to the start corrals. I'm feeling tired still...and crampy (there hasn't been an event yet that I haven't had my period for!).
And we're off!! Sluggish. I just want to finish, get my medal and go home. My mom and I stay together for 99% of the race - she probably could've gone faster but she stayed with my sluggish, dehydrated ass. Until the last 400 meters when she decided she had to beat the old lady in front of us. Off goes my mom!! 2 minutes later there is Lizzie! Jumping up & down - got a nice big hug and she jumped on the course to finish with me...more accurately, Liz probably finished 45 minutes earlier (she says not but she's too kind to say otherwise) but crossed the finish line a 2nd time to run with me.
I also want to thank teammate, Anne, for giving a huge cheer as my mom & I ran by!Thank you!
Official results show I was about 1 min 30 seconds faster then last year's race. So nowhere near my goal. As usual.
I have a shitload of training to do. And I have to get my diet in check. And with all the training I won't really be drinking but if I do, I'll stay away from sangria. I'm also going to try hot vinyasa - but now that I think about it, couldn't I just do regular vinyasa in mid-day summer heat right in my backyard. My neighbors have seen stranger things from us so maybe I'll give this cheaper option a try. I'm also going to work the heavy bag in the basement.
But right now, I'm going to take a nap.
Peace out.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Where its at...

OK - so apparently a few of you actually FOLLOW my blog and were disappointed that I didn't provide a recap of the Japan run a few weeks ago. Sorry about that! Somehow it totally slipped my mind,
So here it goes....
The Japan Run for Hope 4 miler in Central Park was fun! I like the t-shirt we got - its got a big cherry blossom on the front (my next tattoo to cover the dumbass one on my ankle) and a Japanese word on the back (I can't remember off the top of my head). As usual, the crowd consisted of a good group of people. My knee didn't really give any problems but if I remember correctly, my ankle was feeling funny. My mom & I stuck together and I feel like maybe we walked more than we ran but when the results were posted - our overall pace didn't reflect that. Perhaps when we did run we ran faster?? I have no clue. One funny observation was two girls walking the race - and I mean strolling in flip flops holding their Starbucks coffee. I'm assuming they had a rough night but signed up for the NYRR 9+1 program so they had to show up in order to have another race under their belt.
Next race is June 11th in Central Park - it's the Women Only 10k. So fun! I did it last year and had a blast. My mom is doing this one as well as a few Team McGraw teammates! So once again it looks to be a good time.
Next, I should probably take a few minutes to explain my mental state. If you are "friends" with me on facebook you have probably noticed my lack of entries about running, training, fundraising, etc. There is a bit of cause & effect going on here. I am COMMITTED the NYC Marathon in November (160 days from right this moment)...and I am committed to raising as much as I can for Team McGraw and the Tug McGraw Foundation. But that being said, I have lost a bit of motivation with running. I think what's happening here is that last year I started fundraising so early and felt a big boost of steam when I saw just how many people stepped up and donated (large and small amounts are appreciated equally!). But this year it seems that the majority of people just don't give a shit. Some probably think that they have until November to donate (which they do) but they don't realize that for me, it's an additional level of stress on top of life stress and training stress. And sadly, there are some people that just don't give a shit at all because well, they haven't had to actually deal with a brain tumor situation themselves so it's not something they really get. And for some other people - they are just straight up assholes. Oh and there are also people who I know can't donate right now (or even at all) yet they are involved. They ask me how it's going, they cheer me on, they tell me to get off my lazy ass.
And what sucks the most is that I try to donate a little something to every single person who asks for a donation. Or doesn't straight up ask but I know they are doing something in order to raise awareness or research $ for a cause...or computers for kids who have been through shit.
Then there is the part of me which knows that running just doesn't come naturally for me. If you've known me since high school you may remember me walking off the varsity softball team when they told us to start running laps on the1st day of practice. And the fact that when I was approached to play varsity volleyball I politely declined and told them I don't play sports where I have to run laps.
I'm having a hard time finding a good place with running. I'm lacking in the confidence arena here. So - this will be my last marathon. For 2012 the plan will be to focus on half marathons. For me, that distance is challenging yet manageable. I also think that I might be able to actually make improvements with my pace and my form. 
I'm also going back to kickboxing. I miss it. I've missed it for years. I'm signing my kids up for karate too. I'm naturally good at it and that keeps my motivation and confidence up.
So that's where things are at right now...
PS - if you're reading this - YOU happen to be a person who motivates me so THANK YOU!

Monday, May 2, 2011

NJ/Long Branch Half...

First, let's discuss the expo held at Monmouth Raceway. We (me, my mom and Paula) headed down Friday after work. There was some cool stuff and some crap. I got a few new pairs of Thorlo socks to try out and a t-shirt. But the highlight was when the ING booth asked me if I was familiar with response, "Why yes - you didn't pick me for the NYC Marathon lottery!"
Their response, "Crap-you're the 2nd person today to say that to us!" This gave me some satisfaction :)
So - although it would have been smart to stay off my feet on Saturday, that just wasn't in the cards. I took Chris & the kids to my school for the Einstein Science Expo. I wasn't volunteering but I wanted Marley and Sean to experience it and I was chaperoning one of my 8th graders. After this event we headed to Ikea to get Marley her super high loft bed. So I wound up spending a good deal of time on my feet.
Sunday morning comes and I'm up at 3:45am! Too friggin early! But what choice do I have? I need to drink coffee and poop. At least part of the plan came true. My mom picks me up at 4:45 and we head back down to Monmouth Raceway again. We hit NO traffic as we had been warned of. We get on the shuttles and we're the first bus setting out to be dropped off at the start - plus the first bus to get lost en route (my luck). The start area was really nice - oceanfront with tons of space to hang, music was playing, vendors were there making food (probably more for the spectators but I'm sure some runners ate!)...we also walked over to Pier Village to check out all the shops and restaurants. Finally, 8am rolls around and the full marathoners are off!! OH the excitement!! Then it was our time to get into the start position. There were no corrals and although there were two waves of starting - we were really jammed together. And then we were off. I took off a little too fast I think....I don't actually know though since I still don't have a working watch. And since I haven't run enough, I slowed it down and then took a walk break. At this point, all I could think about was pee. I had to go SO bad but the first stop had a line about 20 deep. Surprisingly, I didn't stop - I kept on going. Next stop, I stood in line about 2 minutes and then said screw it...same for the 3rd stop. By the 4th stop I had no choice but to actually wait in line to pee.
All was going just fine...a little slower then I would've liked but this is what happens when you slack off big time on training. Around mile 8 I got a second wind which lasted until mile 10. When my left ankle decided to CRAMP!! Like a charlie horse in my ankle that was so sudden that I almost went down!  I switched to a walk and the pain vanished but a tingling/numbness stayed for a minute or so. Freaked me out a bit since in the NYC Marathon I got the numb/tingle starting at mile 19. Anyway, I walked a bit and then decided to run again....the ankle wasn't having it. PAIN! walk...tingle. WTF?? I repeated this pattern until mile 11.5 when I decided it was more important to finish then it to try to run but go down hard.
I don't know what this is about but I'm wondering if it comes down to ankle support. I ran in Asic racers during the marathon which offered NO ankle support...and Sunday I was in Nike Free which also offer no support. I'm going to run my next few runs in my old Saucony pair for my next few runs to see what happens.
I'm ready to get moving! Improve my speed...improve my run time between walk my confidence...etc, etc, etc.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rutgers Unite!

Well - this was supposed to be a half marathon....meaning 13.1 miles. Apparently the race turned out to be only around 10 miles due to flooding on the course the night before during the torrential rains! Whatever - probably better for me anyway since I went into this completely unplanned. And in reality - I think we managed to do 13.1 anyway since the damn shuttle didn't pick us up where we parked so we had to haul ass to get to the start line on time.
Here's the thing...I was unprepared. No excuses - I slacked off big time. And I know myself well enough to realize my behavioral patterns in life. I tend to slack off, then go balls-out extreme, then get to a good spot where I stay for a while....and then eventually slack off again. I cannot figure out how to be consistent.
So - I slacked off. But I registered and paid the $75 registration so my fat ass was going to show up and do what I could. I was perfectly content with walking the entire way.
On the walk from the car to the start I was playing some mind games. And they weren't pumping me up - they were making me think this was the dumbest thing I've ever done. My friend, April, talked me down off that ledge before I went too far.
At the start line - I happened to be standing a few feet behind the 12 min/mile pacer. As we crossed the start line I decided that I would keep this pacer in my sight for as long as possible. I kept this up until mile 5...even with a few walk breaks. I'm not sure why but I started to slow down knee started to twinge and my ankle was doing that fall asleep tingle that happened at the end of the NYC Marathon. Around mile 6 I stopped at the potty - wow no lines and clean AND toilet paper. My lucky day! Around mile 8 - I saw the "Run Now, Tequila Later" sign which made me giggle and then I realized that I knew where I was....we had speed walked this route in reverse to get to the start...I knew the finish was soon so I kicked up the pace. Last band playing before I rounded the corner for the straight away to the finish line was playing the White Stripes. I laughed - ran harder - and thought, "Did Chris somehow get them to play this song??" - I actually turned around to look for him. But then I heard my name being yelled and I saw Chris & the kids to my right yelling & waving. Awesome feeling! Then I heard my name again....Team McGraw friend, Sharon, was there cheering too!
I crossed that finish line and thought, "No way was that 13.1 miles"...found out a bit later that it was NOT 13.1 but whatever. It was fun. It got me in the mode again....and it was good training for the next 13.1 I have in 2 weeks :)
I feel great despite the little twingey in my knee. I'm glad I did it even though I wasn't really ready for it. And I'm ready to get my shit going!
Plus - I like that I'm getting medals!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Scotland 10K

Wow - I've been a slacker ass. I honestly have nothing/nobody to blame but ME. I've lost all focus and motivation. But that can't last forever - it never does. This is kinda my routine - I can't stick to being a slacker for long - just as I can't seem to stick to training for long.
BUT - when I sign up for a race - I DO IT. So off I headed to Central Park with my little "kilt" my mom made for me...and the Scottish cap Chris gave me to wear. I looked like a hot Scottish mess! :)
I was nervous but I wasn't really sure why. Maybe because I'm aware that I haven't been putting enough (aka: any) time into training...maybe because my knee has been acting a little funky cold medina all week. I actually bought a knee brace/sleeve thingy to give a little extra support.
My mom & I stayed together and did a little Galloway strategy...just untimed. I'm not sure what NYRR is up to but it seems they find humor in having UPHILL races. Fuckers. The downhills were what saved me.
There were SO many people that by the time I got to the actual Start line - the clock had already said 17 I was going to have to do some math in order to figure out my times at each marker (All this because my watch died and I still have not called Garmin to figure out how to handle this!).
I ran a little faster in the park area that STINKS like horse-shit...and then when I did my last mathematical calculation and realized there was a very slight chance I could make a personal record. YEAH! I did it by like 20 seconds! Whatever - I'll take it.
I know full well that I have to step up my game here. I ordered the book, The Long Run, to motivate me a bit...and I bought a marathon training nutrition book.
That's all for now...but I do want to share my horoscope for the day with you:
"All the self-discipline you've been struggling with will reap big rewards today -- there's an impressive finish line looming, and by the end of the day you'll most likely be on the other side of it! Get ready for folks to come out of the woodwork with congratulations. They had more faith in you that you had in yourself, so be sure to thank them for all the support."

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Colon Cancer Challenge

I'm a week late in writing about last weekend's race - sorry about that - things have been a little hectic.
OK - so last Sunday my mom and I did the Colon Cancer 4 mile Challenge in Central Park. It was a beautiful day! We had a good time.
My Nike Free sneakers are awesome! I realized that I DISLIKE the Mizunos I got so I'm going to keep them at school to use when I walk/run/etc in the gym.
A bunch of my coworkers are doing the Tough Mudder - I won't be able to join them since it's the Sunday after the marathon but I am going to be part of their team - I'll just be the cheering section! And maybe we can do some training together 1 day a week at lunch in the gym,
I have no race this weekend luckily. I've had bad sinus issues for about 2 weeks which just makes me tired and unmotivated. It probably doesn't help that the friggin' cold weather is still here too.
I have to get my butt in gear...which I say all the time. But I really do.
Next weekend is the Scotland 10k - my mom is making us kilts. Fun.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Coogan's 5k

First race of the season...DONE!!! It was a Salsa, Blues and Shamrock 5k in Washington Heights (NYC). It was also my mom's first race EVER! The original plan was to take an early train into the city but Chris talked us out of that since it might take us close to 2 hours to get there! So - we drove. Only took about 40 minutes. The armory was the NYRR staging area for bib pick up - AWESOME armory with an indoor track...too bad the race wasn't in there since it was pouring outside!
My mom seemed calm which was great...I remember my first race and I pooped ALL morning, started crying and came close to having a panic attack :) She had bought us these bizarre shamrock umbrella hats - I thought the woman was nuts until we stood outside for 2 minutes in the cold rain. I put that dumb hat on pretty quick!
Race started - my mom & I broke apart at the start. Close to 8,000 runners on a narrow city street makes for some tight crowds. Took over 3 minutes to get to the start line...and the running was pretty slow to start. Couldn't even attempt to weave around people. It started to thin a little bit but really not much....the road was a slight incline for about the first mile...then a little downhill...then all of a sudden this hill that looked vertical! And LONG. I groaned and slowed down - along with ALL the people around me. It was cold, wet and slippery - now we have to get up this hill??? CRAP. I walked it. Clearly, hill training is in my future.
The water stations were horrible...too many people (including little kids) just stopping in front of the tables.
Somehow - all of a sudden - my mom was at my side. We finished the last 3/4 of a mile together...grabbed our bagel and walked to stand in the pouring rain outside the parking garage along with 50 other runners.
Not my best time but I didn't expect it to be. It was a wake-up call that it's time to get my ass out of winter shut down mode and T.R.A.I.N.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bustin' ass...

I have been busting my ass. Monday thru Friday I wake up at 5am to do Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred - It kicks my ass every day. I'm definitely getting stronger - it's kind of amazing. Then when I get home from work I either treadmill it or run inside, basically in place, with Wii Fit on the Free Run activity....I checked the mileage and if Wii Fit says I ran 2 miles then in reality I really only did 1 mile. I've also been working up a serious sweat with Just Dance 2! Love it!
The snow is beyond ridiculous. I ordered Yaktrax so we'll see how they work. I gotta get outside!!!
I have some serious personal goals for 2011. As they say - Go big or Go home.
I'm tired and hungry now so I'm signing off. Thanks for the continued support!

Friday, January 21, 2011


OK - well here is where I'm at right now. I have been feeling like a zombie - really tired, unmotivated and just zoned out. I looked at my blog archives and saw that last winter I felt EXACTLY the same way. And going back in my memory - I know I pretty much feel like this every single winter.
Not only have I been feeling run down, but I'm also pissed off that no matter how much I bust my ass and track my food I continue to lose the same 2 pounds then gain the same 2 pounds the moment I do ONE thing outside the Monday-Friday food intake routine. It's pissing me off.
So - I went to the doctor to have some bloodwork done. I am not anemic and I do not have a thyroid problem but I AM severely deficient in Vitamin D. Lowest level my doctor has ever seen. I have been put on a prescription Vitamin D supplement for 8 weeks - a few weeks after that we'll retest. Hopefully - that will help me feel normal again...and there is a chance that my level is contributing to my 2 pound battle. Apparently new research is showing that low vitamin D levels in the northern hemisphere could be to blame for high rates of: MS, depression, schizophrenia....the list goes on. Great.
I had been waking up very early to get in about 20 minutes of Wii fit daily and although my center of balance is certainly improving - I know I need a little more intensity. I busted out the Jillian Michael's 30-day shred. I'm on day 3 of waking up at 5am and getting my ass kicked. That shit is HARD. It's nonstop - not even a quick pause for a sip of water. I better see some improvement. It's strength (with 5lb weights), cardio & abs - I'm hoping this helps with my running.
As for my running - I need to up this substantially. I have an April half-marathon & a May half. In addition to that, I've decided to do the NYRR 9+1 program so I'll be running 9 of their races and volunteering at 1. This is my potential schedule - want to join me?
2/26 Al gordon Classic 4 Mile, Brooklyn
3/27 Colon Cancer Challenge 4 Mile or 15K, Central Park
4/10 Scotland Run 10k, Central Park
5/14 NYRR 10k, Central Park
6/11 Women's only Mini 10k, Central Park
9/24 Fifth Ave Mile (**Maybe)
10/30 Marathon Kickoff 5 Mile
11/6 NYC Marathon!
12/10 Jingle Bell Jog, Brooklyn
Volunteer possibilities: 6/26 Achilles Hope & Possibility 5Mile, 7/16 Central Park Conservancy Run for Central Park 4 Mile, 9/17 Fitness Magazine 4 Mile (I may run this one instead!).
I think these are all spread out nicely to keep me on track and officially keeping tabs on my progress.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Let the fundraising begin!!

I have anxiety about fundraising. I want to raise as much as I can as soon as possible so I can focus on training. I don't know how to get people to understand how important this is and that even $10 helps!
This year I'm going to try some new ways to raise funds. I haven't figured out what to do yet though.
Feel free to send me suggestions!!
I got out there last weekend and walk/ran 6 miles on Saturday and 6 on Sunday. It was awesome to get outside - even though it was FREEZING!!
But - I will go outside every single chance I get since I have been diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency. Will be starting a weekly supplement soon - let's keep our fingers crossed that I will soon feel less like a zombie.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I am not one for making New Year's Resolutions. Why? Because I think the majority of people who make resolutions fail at them. And I don't think people should wait until the "New Year" to make a change - change should come at any point during the's just actually doing it.
HOWEVER, I am not against setting goals for the new year. I think there is a difference.
So here are some of my goals in no particular time in for my training and stop letting a little mess in the house stand in the way of my goals, be a more patient parent, appreciate what I have more, be more consistent with my nutrition, do my part to wipe out brain tumors, etc, etc, etc. My list goes on. These are all things I have been working on but I am not perfect so I'm working on them all still.
I'm ready for this new round of training. I feel how much I've slipped back since the marathon - mentally and physically. And I'm not liking it. Not one bit.
I've got some work to do. I'm ready for it. Strangely, I think I'm craving this new round of challenges.
Now - some of you may not realize this about me - but I can be a bit competitive. With myself and with others depending on the situation. As for competing against others - running really isn't my place for that. I'm not sure I will ever consider myself a runner. BUT I can compete against myself with it. So my times have to drastically change. Yes - I'm proud of how far I've come but dear lord I am slow. That's going to change.
As for competing against others - as silly as this sounds - I've been on Wii Fit almost every day competing. My kids think I'm insane since they hear, "That's right! Who's #1 at tilt table!?" I'm working on getting to #1 in each activity and I'm trying to get enough points so I'm constantly unlocking new activities or yoga poses.
I'll be reaching out soon to help me raise $$ again. In advance, thanks for supporting me!