Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I am not one for making New Year's Resolutions. Why? Because I think the majority of people who make resolutions fail at them. And I don't think people should wait until the "New Year" to make a change - change should come at any point during the's just actually doing it.
HOWEVER, I am not against setting goals for the new year. I think there is a difference.
So here are some of my goals in no particular time in for my training and stop letting a little mess in the house stand in the way of my goals, be a more patient parent, appreciate what I have more, be more consistent with my nutrition, do my part to wipe out brain tumors, etc, etc, etc. My list goes on. These are all things I have been working on but I am not perfect so I'm working on them all still.
I'm ready for this new round of training. I feel how much I've slipped back since the marathon - mentally and physically. And I'm not liking it. Not one bit.
I've got some work to do. I'm ready for it. Strangely, I think I'm craving this new round of challenges.
Now - some of you may not realize this about me - but I can be a bit competitive. With myself and with others depending on the situation. As for competing against others - running really isn't my place for that. I'm not sure I will ever consider myself a runner. BUT I can compete against myself with it. So my times have to drastically change. Yes - I'm proud of how far I've come but dear lord I am slow. That's going to change.
As for competing against others - as silly as this sounds - I've been on Wii Fit almost every day competing. My kids think I'm insane since they hear, "That's right! Who's #1 at tilt table!?" I'm working on getting to #1 in each activity and I'm trying to get enough points so I'm constantly unlocking new activities or yoga poses.
I'll be reaching out soon to help me raise $$ again. In advance, thanks for supporting me!


  1. Hey Kim! I must admit, I'm not really up on the Wii Fit program/game/system/thing. However, as you prepare to again slap on your running shoes with Team McGraw in 2011...I'm happy to know that you have made us part of your "WE" program for the new year!

  2. I'm excited! I love all you guys - I love the mission of the team too! It's all around amazing. And this year - we all get to be driven a little crazy by mom since she has also joined the team :)
