Friday, January 21, 2011


OK - well here is where I'm at right now. I have been feeling like a zombie - really tired, unmotivated and just zoned out. I looked at my blog archives and saw that last winter I felt EXACTLY the same way. And going back in my memory - I know I pretty much feel like this every single winter.
Not only have I been feeling run down, but I'm also pissed off that no matter how much I bust my ass and track my food I continue to lose the same 2 pounds then gain the same 2 pounds the moment I do ONE thing outside the Monday-Friday food intake routine. It's pissing me off.
So - I went to the doctor to have some bloodwork done. I am not anemic and I do not have a thyroid problem but I AM severely deficient in Vitamin D. Lowest level my doctor has ever seen. I have been put on a prescription Vitamin D supplement for 8 weeks - a few weeks after that we'll retest. Hopefully - that will help me feel normal again...and there is a chance that my level is contributing to my 2 pound battle. Apparently new research is showing that low vitamin D levels in the northern hemisphere could be to blame for high rates of: MS, depression, schizophrenia....the list goes on. Great.
I had been waking up very early to get in about 20 minutes of Wii fit daily and although my center of balance is certainly improving - I know I need a little more intensity. I busted out the Jillian Michael's 30-day shred. I'm on day 3 of waking up at 5am and getting my ass kicked. That shit is HARD. It's nonstop - not even a quick pause for a sip of water. I better see some improvement. It's strength (with 5lb weights), cardio & abs - I'm hoping this helps with my running.
As for my running - I need to up this substantially. I have an April half-marathon & a May half. In addition to that, I've decided to do the NYRR 9+1 program so I'll be running 9 of their races and volunteering at 1. This is my potential schedule - want to join me?
2/26 Al gordon Classic 4 Mile, Brooklyn
3/27 Colon Cancer Challenge 4 Mile or 15K, Central Park
4/10 Scotland Run 10k, Central Park
5/14 NYRR 10k, Central Park
6/11 Women's only Mini 10k, Central Park
9/24 Fifth Ave Mile (**Maybe)
10/30 Marathon Kickoff 5 Mile
11/6 NYC Marathon!
12/10 Jingle Bell Jog, Brooklyn
Volunteer possibilities: 6/26 Achilles Hope & Possibility 5Mile, 7/16 Central Park Conservancy Run for Central Park 4 Mile, 9/17 Fitness Magazine 4 Mile (I may run this one instead!).
I think these are all spread out nicely to keep me on track and officially keeping tabs on my progress.


  1. Hey Kim!

    Wow! I guess the best thing is that there was something specific - (Vitamin D) - to point to! As for your ambitious event schedule, I encourage you to listen intently to your body along the way. I hope to do a lot of events this year, too, so I encourage you to use these as training tools and measuring sticks; just make sure that if your body starts talking to you along the way, you listen...just in case she knows what she's talking about,too.

    Lookin' forward to seein' you again in NYC; thanks for bein' part of the family!


  2. Yeah - I'm looking to do the NYRR 9+1 for 2012 (with Team McGraw of course!!) so I'm trying to spread out the races across the year. I'm just going out for fun - and increase my speed a bit but I wouldn't really consider any of them "races". We'll see :)
