Monday, January 31, 2011

Bustin' ass...

I have been busting my ass. Monday thru Friday I wake up at 5am to do Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred - It kicks my ass every day. I'm definitely getting stronger - it's kind of amazing. Then when I get home from work I either treadmill it or run inside, basically in place, with Wii Fit on the Free Run activity....I checked the mileage and if Wii Fit says I ran 2 miles then in reality I really only did 1 mile. I've also been working up a serious sweat with Just Dance 2! Love it!
The snow is beyond ridiculous. I ordered Yaktrax so we'll see how they work. I gotta get outside!!!
I have some serious personal goals for 2011. As they say - Go big or Go home.
I'm tired and hungry now so I'm signing off. Thanks for the continued support!

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