Sunday, January 31, 2010

I think the barefoot route is the way to go.
Even though my calves are still killing me it's obviously just soreness and not this deep tissue feeling discomfort.
What do you think? Am I nuts?
I'm going to try on the Vibram 5 Fingers sometime this week.


  1. I would definitely run this by Coach Kevin before I made any sweeping changes regarding your training, but the most obvious truth would be this: when humans were first running barefoot...the world was not yet covered in PAVEMENT and CONCRETE.

    Barefoot running as described in this article might help to direct or modify your GAIT...but the pressure these harder surfaces have on the body is also a critical element to consider.

    Run smart...McMahon

  2. (Clicked "enter" a little too quickly)...

    If you want to explore this barefoot running, I might suggest going to a grass football field or a park, provided you can feel confident you will not find bottle caps, glass, needles, and various other threats underfoot (again, that were not of consequence "in the beginning"), and do some easy short running drills so you can evaluate how your running style/gait changes without shoes.

    Go slowly...easily...and be wary of determining that something so unproven can already be "the way to go." Listen to your body...especially when you use the phrase "still killing me" after trying something new.

    Again...Coach Kevin's your man.

  3. Barefoot running is getting lots of attention. Yes, I believe it has a place n strenghtening the feet and lower legs. Yes, i am a big believer in "less shoe" to eliminate lots of extra motion and control. HOWEVER, use extreme caution. Start with a few hundred yards at a time before/ after a regular run in your regular shoes. Take a nice conservative progression. Months, not days.
    Run smart.
