Monday, January 4, 2010

Too cold. Too hot.

The temperature is killing me. It's just too cold for me to run outside - at 5pm. Plus it's dark so that's also not working for me - considering I'm a klutz and it's not the safest thing for me to be out running alone in the dark. I'm considering running with brass knuckles under my gloves just in case.

So I hop on my treadmill as soon as I get home from work. I made it .25 miles before I freaked out. See - although I don't like the freezing cold, I also don't like to run on the treadmill anymore... especially when HEAT is pumping from the radiator. I opt for going downstairs and walking around like a lunatic. Finally, Chris agrees to rearranging the entire bedroom. "Who cares if it looks like crap - you're running a friggin marathon". Right. Thanks for the reminder.

Tomorrow is another day. I will be running somewhere. It's only 2-3 miles so I think I can deal.


  1. oh, I am so digging this blog. I wish I would have done one when I was training for the century ride (actually, 109 miles...ugh!) I did for Leukemia & Lymphoma a few years ago. but mine would have been mostly expletives, so maybe it was better that I didn't.

    good luck with training - donation certainly to follow - mostly likely around tax time, k? :)

  2. No problem!! I've got until mid-October :) I just want to get a jumpstart and get my minimum in early...
    Don't worry - expletives are sure to be on this page.
