Sunday, February 14, 2010

Damn it. Get it together.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. It's cold, I'm fat, my leg hurts, I'm hot, I hate the treadmill, I don't want people judging the slow ass run (can you even call it running when you feel like you're barely moving??), I'm tired, It's dark.
SHUT THE FUCK UP AND JUST DO IT. (If you don't know me well, I have extreme potty mouth at times).
OK - so I moved my treadmill again. This time so I can attempt to watch tv while I least until that cold icy crap outside melts. One of my teammates runs with the tv so what the hell, I'll try it.
I continue to add to my playlist specifically for my running entertainment. I've got about 10.6 hours of music specifically for my runs/walks/whatever it is I do. I am really odd with my music selections.
I'm also in crunch mode (sort of) since the 15K is in 6 weeks. And the way I work is - if I'm signed up for something, then I'm going to DO IT and not just talk about it. NO WAY will I be the one person who doesn't pick up their tag and no way will I be the person who doesn't cross the finish line.
So - it looks like I should sign myself up for more races to keep me slacker free. AND join the gym so I'm obligated to go to some of the classes on cross-training days.
And Coach, if you read this, keep on me.

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