Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 3 DONE

Excellent week of running. Finished up the 3rd week of the countdown with an 8.6 mile long run! I spent last night re-reading the Galloway book so I decided that for my long run I would stick to a plan - I did the first 4 miles as 4 minute run, 1 minute walk....the last half I did 6 minute run, 1 minute walk. Felt great!!!
I did start the run feeling nervous...I'm not really sure way - sometimes my mind doesn't work on logic. But I took a deep breath and just did it. It only took a few minutes to get rid of the butterflies.
My leg is a little sore so I'm icing it but nothing horrible.
Oh - and it's not the triple berry GU that is 2x the's Jet Blackberry. Delicious.

We're heading out on our road trip early tomorrow morning. I'll be sitting in the car for close to 24 hours...I'll be sure to do some light stretching at every stop we make.
I'll be in Florida all of next week but I will be getting my runs done for sure.

Have a great week everyone!

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