Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 2 DONE

Yes! I'm plugging along...after a run down feeling week - I managed to get my required runs in. And my long run today was GREAT. 7.3 miles strong!! I ran more then I walked. I kept within my pace time frame.
I did try something different which I think worked so I will continue to experiment with. I drank 2 servings of coconut water about 30 minutes before my run - chock full of potassium. Then about 3 miles into my run I tried a new flavor GU gel (well, new for me!) - Triple Berry 2x Caffeine. Tasted great! And gave me the push I needed. My digestion held up too :)
What I'm working on now is coming up with a good diet plan so I can continue to fuel the body but at the same time drop some poundage. And since I don't eat meat - this is becoming a pain in the ass. I logged a sample daily meal plan on sparkpeople - I entered in the foods I normally eat during the school year since they're easy for me...and of course, it's the stuff I like to eat. Came to only 840 calories. WTF???? So I played around and added a few things but I'm only coming up to 1250 calories but it looks like a lot of food. I don't know - I'm going to keep playing with it. Or maybe I'll just increase the quantity of the foods I entered in. I do know that although the calories are too low - I did manage to distribute my carbs, protein & fats properly.
That's all for now. It's hot as balls so I'm going to jump in the pool and splash around like a little kid.

1 comment:

  1. As I mentioned to someone else recently, the dance between fueling your body for long runs and trying to lose weight is a tricky dance indeed.

    Best of luck with it!
