Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 1....and other stuff

I started the 16 weeks of training (even though there were 17 weeks - I wanted a week of wiggle room for the unexpecteds). Although I have been running relatively consistently anyway - I felt that this would provide me with a little chart that I could use to cross off the days as I complete them.
This is an "easy" week. It was more of a mental challenge to stay on that damn treadmill for more than 5 minutes. I really hate the treadmill. BUT there is one positive aspect of it - when I do run outside, the same length that would be torture on a treadmill doesn't seem as horrible outside.
I also have this really great idea (if you know me - you know that when I say I have an idea it's probably something not as easy as I make it sound!). I want to take my treadmill from my bedroom and move it to the garage/studio so I open up space in my bedroom - and when it's raining, snowing, icy, etc - I can open up the garage & run. What's not easy about this? Well - the treadmill weighs about 5 million pounds so we have to get it from the 2nd floor to the back of the backyard. It also requires a re-org of the garage/studio. Chris paints out there so the back 1/2 is his studio the front half is crap.
Oh - and I saw Food, Inc. last night. Let's just say that the mental lunacy that I was trying to keep at bay was pushed to the limit last night. Which means that although I had cut out all meat except free-range chicken & fish out of my diet quite a few years ago - I will now be cutting chicken out too. There is some gross shit going on out there - know where your food comes from. Luckily, Trader Joe's has a good selection of low political involvement food...we're also joining the produce co-op so I'm sure I'll be getting creative with kale.
I don't like to get all preachy about the humane treatment of animals - you eat what you want, I'll eat what I want. BUT the next time you go buy your USDA Grade A beef or Tyson chicken breasts - think about where it came from. Don't fool yourself thinking it came from some little family farm like on Charlotte's Web...


  1. Hey Kim! So the training PLAN has now begun? The clock is ticking? Lots of time left...and it's gonna be a great ride!

    I'm totally down with you on the treadmill; I'll hit it when I have to...but I try REALLY hard not to HAVE to! Outside is always better, unless it is just soaking wet and too cold to shake off the chill.

    I guess I'm gonna have to tighten down the focus myself, now; see you in NYC!


  2. Good Luck! I'll be out there with you!

  3. All the best with your training for the NYC Marathon Kym. I commend you for your training, it's hard physical & mental work but once you cross that finish line in NYC, it will be worth it!
    Personally, I have not run a Marathon yet, but after Sept. in Philly, I'll have completed my 5th, half marathon for Team McGraw. You'll love being a part of the Team.

    Ya Gotta Believe,
    Christine D.

  4. It's going to be so much fun! And since the marathon is 26.2 miles, I've decided to add .2 to the end of every run. Today I did 3.2 instead of a simple 3 :)
