Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Keeping at it...

On Sunday, I was so pleased with my Saturday run/walk/crawl that I decided to take advantage of the weather and go for a nice brisk walk in the sunshine. According to my training schedule - I should have gone for a walk on Friday but I skipped Friday altogether so I counted that as my rest day and went for the walk on Sunday. I walked 2.87 miles at a good pace - probably averaged about 14 min/mile. Listened to some music that I normally skip over while trying to go a faster pace. I have to say - it was hard to not pick up the pace and start jogging.

About 2 hours after the walk, I found myself lying on the floor close to tears. My leg hurt so bad. I took a few Advil and that seemed to calm things down a bit. Chris then used the massage stick and the elbow trick that Emme (his sister) was kind enough to teach us. In all of 5 minutes my leg felt great...30 minutes later - it was like my leg never had pain!

Monday morning rolls around and still no leg pain. The massage is the way to go! My food on Wednesday was back to my weird food. I'm sticking with my bizarre lemon drink, yogurt, granola, flax seeds, veggie burgers. And my daily cup of coffee of course. 45 minutes of Vinyasa yoga after work - my arms thanked me and my legs felt good & stretched out.

Tuesday - So, so tired. The morning was a little hectic so I didn't get to drink that extra 1/2 mug of coffee I usually have - could that little amount really be what's making me So tired? Also had some digestive issues today. But I'm not going to make up excuses so I hopped on the treadmill and put in 2 miles. Still on target with my schedule. Weird food again but instead of veggie burger we had faux meat tacos...taco shell, a little rice, faux meat, lettuce, tomato, oh so delicious taco sauce and greek yogurt instead of sour cream. Delicious.

And a little note to my fat cells that so desperately want to be my friends for life:
Although I'm normally not a mean person, I'm tired of you. You bring me down and make me feel like shit. I don't think it's a good idea for us to spend time together anymore. I don't think it's fair that I keep making excuses for your behavior and you sit on the sidelines smirking. I know I've been shocking you lately so I hope you realize you have no choice but to take this seriously. It's time for you to go. I just cannot see myself hiding behind you anymore. I need to feel the way I used to when you weren't a part of my life. I also think you're slowing me down and that's pissing me off. So - although we have been together for the last few years, it's time we went our separate ways. Good bye.


  1. tell me more about bizarre lemon drink. and coconut water. I love weird healthy shit...

  2. Coconut water is really really good for you. It's like a a natural gatorade of sorts but only like 80 calories per serving. It also works well with rum :)
    First brand of choice is Zico, 2nd brand is VitaCoco, 3rd brand is Goya (but this one has a tiny bit of extra sugar added)...I believe there are other brands too but you don't want the ones that add sugar - just all natural coconut water. I drink a glass with ice after a hard workout.
    My weird lemon concoction is the master cleanse (fresh squeezed lemon juice, pure maple syrup and cayenne pepper). I love it. Because of my schedule at school - it's impossible for me to have a midmorning & midafternoon snack so for now I have a lemon drink just to keep my metabolism up. It probably doesn't work - I just like the taste and it feels like it works.
