Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feed me some Vitamin D!!

After spending Friday night feeling crappy about myself and just having an overwhelming amount of self doubt, I vowed to wake up and get over it. I needed to figure out a way to get this negativity far, far away from me.
Luckily, I woke up to a beautiful spring like day (well, 45 degrees but close enough to spring when everything is covered in that cold/frozen white crap that I just don't want to discuss anymore!). Had my coffee, made the kids pancakes, had 2 mandarin oranges & 2 silver dollar pancakes without syrup and hit the streets. I wore my Team McGraw t-shirt since it's a source of inspiration for me and a reminder that this is not about me.
Less then a mile into it, a guy in a BMW truck pulls up "Hey, I saw you running and just wanted to say great job and you are an inspiration to me...I haven't run in years!" etc, etc, etc. OK - so my first thought was "ok dude 1. I had to stop my groove to talk to you 2. I'm not getting in the car with you....turns out he lives in my neighborhood and is an actor (we checked his website and he's been on Law & Order"). Ok - back into the groove.
Wait - another interruption ahead. Three guys each walking a dog spread out across the entire street blocking my passage. Oh come on!! As I'm getting closer, I see the dog on the left is a pit bull, middle dog is about 4 ft. tall and the cutest friggin thing ever, dog on the right a little yapper who would probably nip at my feet....which way to go??? I chose the pit bull direction - which means I had to break my groove again to get a few sloppy kisses (from the dog, not the sketchy guy)..I head on my way about 2 feet when the guy decides to talk to me - problem was that I had my ipod on and quite frankly, I just didn't feel like talking so I just smiled, said bye to the pups and took off.
I avoided all ice, wet road, gravel, itchy balls, acorns, etc. And every time I burst through the shade into a patch of sun I turned into a lizard. My face just gravitates towards those warm rays and the smile spread across my face. Yup - I hate winter and I hate the depression it tries to pull me into. Sorry crappy cold, it ain't happening.
Finished my route, came home, blew my nose (forgot my damn tissues) and had an ice cold glass of coconut shower..and then some errands. I'm feeling back to myself.
My leg hurts still. But it just doesn't feel as bad when I'm outside. And it certainly doesn't feel as bad as when I'm stuck inside.
Since my battery died on my watch AND my footpod - I drove my route later on and found I did 5.4 miles. Not bad for my long run. I think 4 was my official training schedule distance but whatever. I jumped ahead a week and it felt good.

1 comment:

  1. WTG - that's excellent!

    BTW, I hate it when the GPS battery dies mid-run. That happened to me during the Bermuda half marathon, which didn't have clocks at each mile, and it was frustrating as anything (luckily the NYC Marathon has clocks at every mile so it won't be an issue there ).

    Good work on getting in a nice run and learning fan avoidance techniques at the same time ;)
