Sunday, January 31, 2010

I think the barefoot route is the way to go.
Even though my calves are still killing me it's obviously just soreness and not this deep tissue feeling discomfort.
What do you think? Am I nuts?
I'm going to try on the Vibram 5 Fingers sometime this week.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shift of focus

OK! I have reached my goal and I am looking forward to seeing by how far it can be exceeded.
But now I can take my focus and shift it from fundraising to training. I'm still in a kind of base building. Taking those few weeks off really set me back. The break was to "rest" my leg but I guess it didn't work too well since my leg still freakin' hurts.
I tried running barefoot again tonight (on the treadmill of course!). I did this last summer and it worked well. I don't know - my leg still hurt but I don't think as much. My calves on the other hand were on FIRE. Why? Because when you run barefoot you run more on the balls of your feet - there is no heel strike.
Tomorrow is a day off then Saturday is my "long run". It's only about 4 miles or so this week - remember, I'm still base building. I add approximately one mile to my long run each week...and my runs during the week slowly increase.
Not looking for speed at all but I am aware that I am the slowest runner on the planet. I'm also following the Galloway strategy which means I take frequent walk breaks regardless of how long my run is supposed to be.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

So much love!

I'm so excited by the showing of support! I still have a ways to go to reach 100% but to be able to get to 53% in about 2 days is shocking. Makes me breathe a little easier (especially since I personally pay the difference)...
I know a lot of people don't know the "story". It's not like it was a secret but it's also something that we just don't bring up usually. And when deciding on how to start fundraising I knew the writing would have to be persuasive (thank you Michelle!) but at the same time, I don't want people to feel obligated. But really, if you don't donate than you're an ass :)
Seriously, I don't like the pity thing so that's not what my goal was. I want people to realize that there are fights going on in this world that they are not aware of but this is their chance to do a little something to help out.
Thanks again for all the love & support. I'm an emotional person anyway but this keeps choking me up.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Layer upon layer

It's friggin cold.
2 pairs of running pants, 1 tank, 2 long sleeve running shirts, a heavy-duty hoodie, a hat, gloves, scarf and the most fabulous tube socks you've ever seen.
How was I even able to move? Not so well so I cut my run a tad short...forgot tissues, my face was ice cold and frozen and it was DARK. But I had to do it. So much better to have the fresh air hit my lungs.
After my little freak out last night - and then the rearranging of all the bedroom furniture in order to get the treadmill away from the radiator - I still was not able to run on the treadmill.
I will endure the friggin cold. At least I can do my long runs in the daylight.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Too cold. Too hot.

The temperature is killing me. It's just too cold for me to run outside - at 5pm. Plus it's dark so that's also not working for me - considering I'm a klutz and it's not the safest thing for me to be out running alone in the dark. I'm considering running with brass knuckles under my gloves just in case.

So I hop on my treadmill as soon as I get home from work. I made it .25 miles before I freaked out. See - although I don't like the freezing cold, I also don't like to run on the treadmill anymore... especially when HEAT is pumping from the radiator. I opt for going downstairs and walking around like a lunatic. Finally, Chris agrees to rearranging the entire bedroom. "Who cares if it looks like crap - you're running a friggin marathon". Right. Thanks for the reminder.

Tomorrow is another day. I will be running somewhere. It's only 2-3 miles so I think I can deal.