Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week 12...

Not quite done. A fast moving stomach bug decided to take over my body early Saturday morning.
My week consisted of a few short runs, a power yoga day and a fun run with some of my school kids during their gym class.
My "3rd Child" is an 8th grader and although we had originally made a wager (him improving his attitude with his current teachers if he lost - which he would...or me wearing a "Grandma Golden" sign every day at school - he likes to say I look old which I most certainly do not!)...we decided that we would just run together at a good pace instead of race (I let him off the hook after he was reminded that I have been marathon training).  Plus - our "race" was an endurance one since last year he beat me easy in a sprint - although I like to blame it on the flip flops I had on. We ran just under 1.5 miles then I did sit-ups with the rest of the class. I have to say...1. situps are NOT the same as crunches - they are hard! 2. Mid-day short runs are an awesome stress reliever.
Friday night I had a weird pain in my side but I just figured it was sore from the sit-ups. Saturday morning was fine - had my coffee, started laundry, etc. Took another sip of luke warm coffee and a funny taste lingered in my mouth. My belly also started to feel "sloshy". I ate some toast and went out to run a quick errand....where the nausea increased. I spent the rest of the day in the bathroom or laying on the couch FREEZING despite the many layers I had on (Although I did not actually have a fever!). It wasn't fun. And it was even worse when I started to feel a little better around then deal with my daughter puking from 9pm-12:30am. Oddly - we both woke up totally fine.
I am being smart though and skipping what should be a 12 mile long run this weekend. I'm totally dehydrated and run-down. I can't imagine going a mile without it knocking me out. But it makes me nervous that missing this long run is going to set me back.
I'm definitely looking forward to the many miles coming up during the week...and a 20 miler next Saturday morning. AND a fundraiser next Saturday night at Crossroads in Garwood - if you're in the area, come on by for great live music and a 50/50 raffle!

1 comment:

  1. You did the right thing. Feel better and come back strong!
