Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 11 done!

OK - once again I know I didn't do enough during the week. It's really tough getting back into work after the summer off...and getting the kids back on schedule. My house looks like a tornado blew through. Here's the problem with during the week - when I walk in the door, the kids are already home with Chris. He is trying to figure out what to make for dinner...the kids are running around like lunatics...and for some reason instead of changing right away and heading out, I feel like I immediately have to unpack everyone's stuff, assess homework and start packing lunches & snacks for the next day. By the time I'm done, I'm wiped out, it's time for dinner and will be too dark to run outside alone. SO - the plan is changing. This coming week I'm running immediately and will pack snacks/lunches AFTER dinner. There is no other way.
The long run was supposed to be on Sunday but we had a family birthday party on Saturday afternoon and honestly, I just wanted to have a few beers and not obsess about hydration for a few hours. Due to this, I decided to do my long run early Saturday. Unfortunately, the weather on Saturday turned out to be close to 90 degrees and extremely humid. I do not like this kind of weather! But it is what it is so around 7:45am I headed out. My friend/neighbor, Chris, happened to be walking his dog while I was setting up my pit stop porch so I got a big cheer from him...and then another neighbor opened her door regardless of the fact that she was still in her nightgown to yell, "You got this! You can totally do this!" Love them.
I started on my way with what was supposed to be a 20 miler. Although slow, my first few miles were ok. I seem to be averaging under 11:30/mile while running and 15 min/mile when walk breaking. Miles 4-8 is when the foot pain increased. It wasn't so bad that I felt the need to stop but I really started to worry about stress fractures. So much so that I "lost" 40 minutes of my run. I mean, I don't remember those 40 minutes passing. Very strange.
Mile 12 is where I got really uncomfortable. Other than the fact that I was soaked in sweat, the humidity & the gnats were pissing me off. I was also feeling tired and really, really worried about my foot. My walk breaks turned to more like 16 min/miles. Unacceptable. I sent a quick text to friend/teammate Yvonne for guidance...she said, "Stop. Ice & Rest. Don't push it and turn this into something really serious." Good idea. But in order to stop I had to finish my loop. The PSE&G guys were out working and they'd been cheering me on every time I went by...this time they could tell I was hobbling.
14.75 miles and I'm on my front porch crying my eyes out from frustration. Chris is sitting with me telling me to be smart and don't get so upset. Hello??? I've been busting my ASS and I'll be damned if this is a fucking stress fracture and I'm told not to run. No. No. No. I sit there crying with an ice pack on my foot for 10 minutes...wiggle my toes & foot and realize the pain isn't too bad...Screw it - I'm doing another loop.
18 miles is all I could do. "ALL I COULD DO" - that's funny to me when you also see the number 18. Last summer 1.8 miles was ALL I COULD DO. I could've probably hobbled out a few more miles but since I had been moving SO SO slow - I was now short on time to get showered for the birthday party.
I'm showering and thinking, "I'm getting DEEE-RUNK today!". HAHAHA! Didn't quite happen that way. At the party I drank about 8 bottles of water....then filled a pint glass with water twice. Had some food. Had a Captain & Coke made for me which took me over an hour to drink since I fell asleep in a lawn chair. Ate a piece of cake....came home..had 1 beer and went to sleep.
So much for my big plan to drink away my frustration.
And the OCD in me woke up to continue my obsessive researching & self-diagnosing of my foot issue. For those of you who don't know me well - I am the master self-diagnoser. I have considered applying to med school. No joke - I am always right. This has led me to assessing the movement & pain in my foot and what it appears to be is a friggin' bone spur. Annoying but manageable.
I will be more consistent with my weekly runs...and am looking forward to "only doing 12" next weekend.

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