Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 13...

OK - for starters, my recovery week from that nasty stomach bug was not too bad. My stomach was really sensitive though on Monday & Tuesday so I couldn't eat much - which didn't help me regain any energy. If I bent over a certain way to pick something up or put something down my legs would wobble. By Wednesday though I felt much better so I went out for a run...felt good to get out. Legs felt good too.
My watch on the other hand did not do so well. "Memory Full" would flash whenever I tried to start the timer - how is that possible when I had deleted all activities?? After my run, I read through the manual and learned there is a system reset - tried that, all looked ok until I tried to use my watch at school on Friday. I was running with my 7th grade class during their gym period - and this week the run was going to be outside so I wanted to clock the distance of the laps they had to do. I get started, hit start and again "Memory Full". Damn it. After working my way through a ridiculously long menu...and then sitting on hold for 30 minutes I finally get to a live person who in less than 5 minutes - walked me through doing a more intense reset.
SO....for my long run this week I opted to run last week's mileage which was 12 miles. Is this going to set me back? No - since I screwed up plotting out the training schedule. On Coach's training spreadsheet I typed in date ranges next to each week of training. The thing is, I missed an entire week of October somehow when doing the plotting. Which means - I have an entire extra week of training I can do! SO I did last week's - next weekend will be a 20 miler. I'm already a little anxious about it - I will be aggressively hydrating all week...and will make sure I'm eating properly (I've been on a SUGAR kick the last 3 days - no clue why). I can do this.
I also wanted to talk about the 50/50 we had at Crossroads. First of all, they were so great in allowing us to hold this there. I've known them for a LONG time (since 3rd grade according to Mrs. Frankel) so it was nice to see familiar faces there. And there were bands playing already so we were just an add on which was great because no money had to come out of our pockets to host the raffle there. We were able to bring in $250 - of which $125 went to the winner (a guy who bought just one ticket!)...and $125 went to Team McGraw. This is great considering we didn't really do anything except have a few beers with friends. We took turns making a quick walk through of the place offering tickets but we also had a table set up so people could come to us...and we could catch people on their way into the bar too. Next year (I say this with the assumption that I will survive this year's marathon and want to do this lunacy again) I think we could put more effort into it and really make some $$. McGovern is going to try to set something up at Molly Maguire's so that should be great too.
The unbelievable task of training for and running a marathon AND raising money for brain tumors - which everyone already knows or quickly learned that is a situation that Chris & I were thrown into 4 years ago - is SO SO important to me. This is seriously the biggest thing I've ever done. I'm obsessed with it - I live it, breathe it, eat it, sleep it. And what's amazing to me is that during this time I have learned of the unbelievable support from friends, family, strangers, and people who I haven't spoken to since high school!!! Unfortunately, with be the amazing support also comes some let downs but you know what - that's not my problem, it's theirs.
Until next week which I'm sure will include some serious potty mouth..."Ya Gotta Believe"!!!


  1. WTG Kim - we're going to have so much fun in New York, and you're going to do great!

  2. Hey Kim!

    Coach Kevin and I just made it back after spending a motivating weekend with our Team McGraw/Chicago runners...and I can't tell you how excited I started to get as I anticipate my own run in NYC! Granted, doing what we can to see everyone on our team meet their goals is tremendous...but I'm also looking forward to sharing a "high five" with you after getting out there with ya!

    Attagirl; I'll see ya there!
