Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 9 Done!

After making the decision last week to swap weeks I thought maybe I had made a bad move. I didn't take into account that it was my first official week back to school. Getting into a the early wake up routine is tough!!
I got my weekday runs in's going to be rough keeping up my energy in order to do my runs around 5pm. Looks like I may start drinking a cup of coffee in the afternoon!
Anxiety started to set in for Sunday's long run. I fought it off - no way was I going to play these head games.
A teammate & I were planning on doing the run together but logistics with kids didn't work out this week so we decided to do it on our own - we'll try again next week.
Weather forecast: RAIN. Damn it.  I started out at 9am - no rain yet just cloudy skies. Drizzle started about 2 miles in but there are so many trees in the neighborhood so I barely felt them. I was keeping up my forced walk breaks. I was running 12 min. miles for 6 minutes then walk break for 2. I was having a hard time keeping my walks at a consistent pace. And then something funny watch started beeping. I was running so I knew I wasn't going too slow - I figured the battery was about to die but I looked anyway. I WAS GOING TOO FAST!! Umm...what?? I was running a 10 min mile!! I slowed down real quick.
First pit stop - GU, a few good sized sips of water, potty break and a gatorade G2 to take with me.
Miles 4-8 were amazing. I was really strong. I gave up on paying strict attention to the walk/run ratio....I kind of just got a feel for the time so I stuck with that. The rain was coming & going. And when it was coming it was a steady rain.
Another pit stop....
Miles 8-12....equally as good. My energy was high and everything felt good. Except for the top of my right foot. It almost felt like my shoe was tied too tight - however I'm pretty sure it wasn't.
Miles 12-15.63....not as strong but there was no crying. I didn't even whimper! When I took my walk breaks (which were a little more frequent), I could feel the tightness in my legs. Hey - at least they held up this long!
My run came to an end with me close to sprinting the last 1/2 miles thanks to the downpour!! I was soaked and freezing. Worried about my ipod & cell phone. I just hauled ass home.
Walked in the door and realized just how soaked I was. Luckily Chris was home so out came the towels....and the icepacks. My legs felt weird. My right ankle was on fire - right in the front where it curves to the top of your foot. Lots of ice - and elevation. And Advil. It's feeling ok right now but I feel I'm stomping around the house instead of walking my usual graceful way :)
'Til next week....


  1. WTG Kim - that's excellent!

    We're going to kick ass eight weeks from now :)

  2. Great job. You will love the NYC marathon if you haven't done it already. Amazing. I am reading through your blog, just a few posts. I wanted to make sure (Feel free to smack me if you are doing this already!)you are cross training. Do spinning to give your muscles a rest and work your cardio in a different way. This is a great exercise to improve your running. Also lift weights and work your core.

    Keep it up!!

  3. I do! Thanks! I'm big into Vinyasa yoga which helps with strength and flexibility. And since I'm doing Galloway strategy - I walk when I'm not running...and I don't walk slow. AND since school has started again - I'm up & down 78 steps (one way) a zillion times a day.
