Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 10 Done!

This week flew by. I know for sure that I didn't get enough runs in during the week...but I did manage to add in late night (this would be 8pm for me during the school year!) pilates. I really tried to keep sufficiently hydrated too.
The long run was going to be the most I've ever done but I wasn't feeling too worried about it since last week's run was only 2 miles less and that ended on a good note. But things don't always go my way.
I went to be early and set the alarm. I wanted to get up, have coffee, a little breakfast, potty routine and get out the door. That all happened but not as smoothly as I had hoped. Poop, Period, and Sinus issues were what I woke up to. Damn it. This was NOT going to work in my favor.
I "manned up" and set out. Once again, my front porch became my pit stop...turns out I had to make a pit stop quite often thanks to my numerous issues of the day.
Similar to last week, the first 4 miles were ok. I kept to my ratio for the most part and although I didn't feel great, I wasn't miserable. Miles 4-8 were great. I had a pretty decent groove going so I opted to cut back on the walk breaks. I was really feeling pretty good at this point despite the cramps and rumbling.
Things continued like this until my pit stop around mile 15. I'm not exactly sure what happened here. Maybe it was because I started to be accosted by the Jehovah's Witnesses canvasing the neighborhood. I'm ALL about religious freedom but this pisses me off because it was the same group who told me weeks ago that my family wasn't strong until we joined up with them. These people blocked my path and tried to talk to me & hand me pamphlets. I was RUNNING!! WTF??
Anyway...when I stopped at my porch to get water & GU, Chris came out front to check on me and I burst out crying. I knew I didn't have too much more to do but I had thought I had "hit the wall". Oh no - this is not what hitting the wall feels like.
I kept going. I was glad this last loop was going to be shorter so it would be a different route. To be honest, at this point I was walking more than running. The top of my right foot hurt again like last week. I just had no steam. But mile 16.75 is where I actually "hit the wall". My legs just stopped moving. I came to a dead stop. I groaned and fought back another round of tears. I was not about to call home for a ride when I had a mile more to go. No way. I got moving at the slowest pace I think I have ever moved. I wouldn't even quite call it walking. Whatever it was - it got me home.
My fingers are crossed that next week goes a little smoother.

1 comment:

  1. You did great Kim - no need for tears.

    Every week you're getting stronger. You'll be at peak form when you need to be!
