Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 6 DONE

Wow - week 6 done. Phew. My runs during the week were a little out of order but I still got in a 4.3, 4.85 and a today's long run of 12.3. Amazing...and so few tears.
To be totally honest, I had some fear. It's the most I've ever done and I let self-doubt get into my head. But with a little mental boost from Coach Kevin and my husband, Chris, calming me down I felt like I could get through it. Until this morning.
I was amped up with anxiety. I was pacing around deep breathing...until I finally said, "Screw it" and tackled the 12.3 miles. I kept up my 6 min run/2 min walk until mile 11.5 then I felt drained. I was fighting back the tears but there was no way I was going to quit. I walk/shuffled/jogged the last bit at a super fast walk/super slow jog pace until the end.
I don't even want to talk about how long it took. Well - ok, I think it was a little more than 2.5 hours.
My body hurts. My calves are tight, my feet are achey, my hamstrings are about to pop out of my skin, my hips may need a replacement and my butt better freakin' shrink.
Thanks for all the continued support!


  1. I've got news for you girl - you're at my speed.

    Well done!

  2. Great job, Kim! Listen...and I'm sure Coach Kevin will tell you the's not about the SPEED so much as getting out there and spending the time on your feet. And don't underestimate the ol' ICE BATH after those hardest run to aid in recovery.


  3. Kim,

    I feel your pain and I'm inspired by your determination. I'm doing my first full marathon and I tell you, it ain't easy! But we're all doing together and for love's sake we will be successful.


