Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 7 DONE!!

Wow - I cannot believe I just completed 13.5 MILES!! Unbelievable.
I'm not even phased really by the runs during the week - they range from 4-6 miles about...if I'm tired or sinusy then of course they feel like a big deal but in reality they are nothing.
Today was truly amazing. I had very little anxiety to start which was good. I felt strong until about mile 7 when the hunger kicked in and the energy started to fade. My legs were feeling a little heavy too. But here's what worked...
1. Visualization. Each inhale I visualized the oxygen working through my body - not just going into my lungs. The oxygen was flowing all the way down to my toes and with each breath the heaviness in my legs started to go away.
2. Perspective. This had two variations. The first perspective was me remembering if I could go through childbirth TWICE then I can for damn sure move my feet one in front of the other for three friggin' hours. When that thought process stopped working it was just about the time my wedding song came on the ipod. Bob Marley - I'm Still Waiting. Almost instantly a sob formed in my throat but I fought it back which made me struggle to catch my breath. How am I doing this run - mentally bitching & complaining - when 4 years ago this time of year Chris was enduring treatment for a brain tumor. Radiation, Chemo, Avastin, Full-time work, a 2 1/2 year old, a new born and lunatic me - ALL that and almost no bitching & complaining.
What a wake up call??? Who do I think I am?? Shut up and do it. That got me through the rest of the way.
I do this for Chris. I need this awareness & research to happen. I can't imagine my life without him and "Ya Gotta Believe" I'm going to bust my ass doing everything I can to make sure brain tumors are a thing of the past.
Thanks for the ongoing support!
PS - I won a VIP Pass to the Crowdrise/NYRR pre-marathon tent!!! I have a good feeling about this!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 6 DONE

Wow - week 6 done. Phew. My runs during the week were a little out of order but I still got in a 4.3, 4.85 and a today's long run of 12.3. Amazing...and so few tears.
To be totally honest, I had some fear. It's the most I've ever done and I let self-doubt get into my head. But with a little mental boost from Coach Kevin and my husband, Chris, calming me down I felt like I could get through it. Until this morning.
I was amped up with anxiety. I was pacing around deep breathing...until I finally said, "Screw it" and tackled the 12.3 miles. I kept up my 6 min run/2 min walk until mile 11.5 then I felt drained. I was fighting back the tears but there was no way I was going to quit. I walk/shuffled/jogged the last bit at a super fast walk/super slow jog pace until the end.
I don't even want to talk about how long it took. Well - ok, I think it was a little more than 2.5 hours.
My body hurts. My calves are tight, my feet are achey, my hamstrings are about to pop out of my skin, my hips may need a replacement and my butt better freakin' shrink.
Thanks for all the continued support!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I know you all have been dying to ask so let me fill you in...
The treadmill is OUT of my bedroom and in the garage!! YEAH! I kind of can't wait for a chilly rainy day when I can run out there and just watch the rain fall without getting soaked.
I'm sure you're all feeling at peace now :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week 5

This will be brief - I'm tired.
The week back from vacation SUCKED - in terms of training. I got it done though. First run back on Tuesday was brutal - somehow I managed 4.25 but it wasn't fun and it wasn't pretty. But as the week went on I managed to step it up and not feel like crying.
Yoga on Friday was amazing - my legs needed a stretch out for sure.
Today was my long run. I like to do it 1st thing Saturday to get it out of the way. I spent Friday night worrying about it...and then coming downstairs to do some bizarre archaic mathematical equations to predict my marathon timing. No joke - when I showed Chris in the morning he was laughing at me. Somehow I managed to predict 5.5 hours. Don't ask how I got this - I couldn't even begin to explain.
I was having some tummy issues and although beautiful out - I decided to treadmill it. I was so anxious I wanted to have the visual countdown. The treadmills at the gym have a preset time limit so if you want to go longer you have to keep restarting.
I somehow completed 11 miles. It was not fun. It was far from a pretty sight. Up to mile 9 was not problem - and then my legs became lead. I could barely move them. It was worse when I took a walk break but I just couldn't keep running - I was so beat. I could have easily hit stop and really - who would know? But no way am I doing that. I finished. I stretched. I got in my car - called Chris told him to make me a PB&J, got home, ate, iced my throbbing leg, took a hot shower and cried.
I am in over my head is what I was crying. Chris stood there and was like, "You are out of your mind. Some days you think 3 is too you pounded out 11. You will be in the moment, you'll have adrenaline pumping, who cares how long you take?? You're doing an amazing job. Stop being SO negative."
Damn him - he's right.
I need to sleep and rest my tired body.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Week 4 done?

Well - week 4 took place on vacation in Florida. Hutchinson Island to be exact. Had an excellent time - beautiful weather!
I experimented with aqua jogging. I tried both deep water and chest high water. It is quite a workout. My legs are still tired! So let's say it was a day for me to run 4 miles - that would take me close to an hour so I aqua-jogged for an hour instead. I was mindful of keeping my pace up but if I noticed myself slow down I threw in a few minute sprint.
I also swam laps daily.
And I did close to 5 miles on land. Hot as friggin hell with like 90% humidity.
I also did my best to eat well...even at different restaurants for dinner I made healthy selections.
Now - for my long run of the week. I didn't get to it Saturday - last day of vacation and trying to cram things in. No excuse - but that's just reality. Sunday morning we left for the 24 hour car ride. My intention was to arrive back in NJ Monday morning, take a quick nap and then get my long run in. Upon arriving home, I felt like a train hit me. I had only managed a few hours - like 3 - of interrupted sleep during our journey. Crammed in the backseat with both kids! I felt dizzy and just off. I feel guilty for not managing the run but it's pretty obvious that if I even attempted it, it would have been a disaster.
I'm glad I added that week of wiggle room to my marathon countdown.
Tomorrow I will continue on Week 5. I'm thrown off a day so I'm looking at Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday runs - with a good, long run on Saturday. Tuesday & Thursday I will also add in weight training. Friday I'll do yoga.
I'm getting nervous. But I'm also proud of myself.