Sunday, April 18, 2010

Just things....

Today I did a 5k. I had fun. Do I really need to say more? I peed like 20 times before the start, I collected a bunch of freebies (my favorite being the Aquafina hydrating lip oil!), had my hubby & kids with me to send me off and cheer me on and congratulate when I finished (run-on sentence, I know), beat my time, gained some confidence at getting to the start line alone, conquered a major hill (I swear this thing was VERTICAL!), etc, etc, etc.
Seriously - I had a great day. My digestive system has been a little weird lately thanks to stress...but I didn't really have any jitters so all was good. One thing that was slightly annoying was the confusion over the start line but whatever - eventually, we all started. So - the clock read exactly 38 minutes when I crossed the finish line. MY time was probably more like 34 minutes by the time I personally crossed the confusing start line. I also attempted to calibrate my watch again but I think that didn't work so well - will do it on the treadmill at the gym.


  1. Great Job, Kim! That's really the best things about events like this 5K - just going through the process. Getting things into your routine like "get in line for the potty, finish, get BACK in line for the potty." Starting line issues, clock times, bumps in the road...they can always happen. Confusion occurs. You're getting a taste of it, which is great...and it's only gonna get better! we come!

  2. Way to go Kim! Practice makes perfect. Each long run and each race is an experiment. One thought on the watch calibration... the treadmill is NOT a good place to calibrate. It is not accurate because each treadmill motor, belt and speed are slightly different. If you want an really accurate calibration go to a local running track.
    Keep up the great work!
