Sunday, April 4, 2010


This morning I set out to overcome a mental hurdle. After last weekend's bullshit with me freaking myself out so much that I couldn't even think about doing the 15k - I was determined to conquer it this weekend.
One minor road block was that I hadn't been able to put much time into my weekly runs - not because I didn't want to but because I had the nasty cough/chest cold my kids had the week before. Still, I was determined.
I set out around 10am this morning. My spibelt filled with GU, tissues, & chapstick. My ipod sort of charged. 2 miles in and I thought, "This is a mistake. You've barely run this week. You're coughing like crazy still...finish the first 3+ miles then call it quits". But then my multiple personality disorder kicked in and I said, "Fuck it. There is always going to be something that COULD hold you back." So I "manned up" and just kept going. I had to make a pit stop at home real quick to pee after about 3.5 miles but I went right back to it. The GU wasn't nasty this time and it defnitely gave me the energy I needed. I kept checking my watch. I knew I was taking more frequent walk breaks but really, who cares? I was doing the best I could even though I was coughing a lot.
I'm happy to say that I completed a little over 9 miles in just over 2 hours. My average pace was a 13.5 min/ runs were around 12 ish my walks were around 14 ish. My alarm only went "ding, ding, ding" twice and that was when I tried to pull a tissue out without ripping it.
There were no tears and no limping. My leg hurts a bit now but now too bad.
Now for the big decision. Do I run the Rutgers half with my Team McGraw teammate on April 18th or is that pushing it too far, too fast?? I don't want to set myself up for failure but I also don't want to be a wuss. And it would be a HUGE confidence booster.
What are your thoughts???


  1. Great job, Kim! There is certainly a delicate balance for us endurance folks - when to push through the hard...and when NOT to and stay smart! Best advice I can give you is to touch base with Coach Kevin for Team McGraw; he has given me GREAT advice over the years!


  2. Spoke with Coach as not to fall into a training pitfall, I'm skipping the 1/2. I'm registered for a 5k that day so I'll go into that looking to have a little fun and work on controlling my jitters. I'm also going to do another 5k over Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully these little races will just help me work on my mental strength.
