Friday, April 9, 2010

The gym

I joined the gym.
In my past life (that would be life before kids), I enjoyed going to the gym. I was relatively consistent too. I was a big fan of Body For Life/Bill Phillips - I entered a couple of challenges yet never submitted my completed package since I really didn't feel I made big progress.
Then came the kids. And the fat. Not that I have EVER been thin but I've always been pretty healthy.
So now that I've bitten off more then I can chew with the marathon - I'm going full force. I want to do a bit of weight training and with the summer coming up I'll have some time on my hands so maybe I can take a few classes here & there.
Step one at the gym is to have a nurse check you out - Hey! I'm not fat anymore! And my BMI is all good..and my body is hydrated well (thank you coconut water).
Step two - meet with a trainer. Apparently I have excellent balance, good core strength, great flexibility....but my neck is tight. Ummm - if you lived my life wouldn't your neck be tight too?
I'm meeting with him again tomorrow morning - he's coming up with a 6 week plan for me. And he's excited to match it up with my marathon training. I'm guessing that 2-3 days a week I will do weight training and the rest I will run...with a day of rest of course.
This is all part of joining this gym - he's not MY personal trainer. I figured what the hell - if I have to shell out $$ for the registration fee I should take everything they offer.
He suggested I think about HIIT - High intensity interval training. I could do this 1-2 days a week. Told him I would think about it for summer time. Of course, that's another $250. But then again - in the summer I'll be looking for things to do so maybe it's worth a try. I could do my weekday runs EARLY to beat the heat, then head to the gym with the kids (there is a play room) - the HIIT program is only 20-30 minutes.
OH - and there is no treadmill time limit so on those stupid humid days when you can't even breathe, I can run there.
There is also a pool but I probably won't use it. Although surviving the marathon could lead to triathlons. Yeah right. Well really, who knows. I could be turning into a whole new person here.

Treat your body with respect!

PS - Every time I type the word "Marathon" I accidentally put a "g" on the end. Does that mean that my subconscious thinks one day I will be walking along a beach in a thong? Ha - it makes me laugh every time.


  1. As I am often apt to do - "Bite off more than you can chew...AND CHEW IT!" The gym is a great step, and I'm sure Coach Kevin will have some ideas about things to focus on as well; good job!

    "Mara-thong." New uniform ideas? Naw...NYC will likely be too cold.


  2. "too cold" is the politically correct way of saying, "Woman - don't even think about running ANYWHERE in a thong!"

    The trainer came up with a circuit training plan that I like - I'll row for 20 minutes, then do the circuit then cool down with a walk on the treadmill.
    When do I have time to do this? No clue - but I'm fitting it in somehow.

  3. Awesome! I thought I was the only one who accidentally added a g at the end! Phew.

  4. Kim,

    Keep up the great work training for the marathon! And thanks for sharing your fun & humorous thoughts on your blog.

    Just keep this is in mind... Ya Gotta Believe!

    Christine Donovan- Team McGraw member
