Tattoos. Some people love them, some people hate them, some people like them but would never get one, some people want one but haven't taken that leap yet. I love them. I love looking at other people's permanent selection or artwork, I love that they can be a conversation starter, I love trying to figure out what a person's tattoo may mean to them, and I love that it's a way to capture a time period, experience, or serve as a daily reminder.
I love mine. All of them. Well, I may not LOVE the first one I got when I was 18 but I do appreciate that it represents a time that seems so long ago.
I get them for me. I don't get them for you or anyone else. If you happen to like what I get, appreciate them, be I inspired by them, that's great...but it's not why they're there for. Each tattoo symbolizes something for would be like getting crafty with a photo album, buying a piece of jewelry, or having a special playlist. Mine just happen to be with me all the time.
The question has come up on numerous occasions, "What about when you're like 80 years old." Well, if I live that old, I can guarantee that my tattoos will serve as my memory book. I will think about the times I got each tattoo and take time to reflect on those different moments in my life. The marathons I've run, the marathon I trained for but Super Storm Sandy had other plans, the guidance I needed, the mindset I like to try to maintain, the love of my life, the guidance my family needs, all of it.
I would Never offer up my opinion (without being asked) about someone's beliefs, interests, lifestyle, etc. Never. That's not to say that I don't have opinions - but who the hell am I to judge you? I accept that each of us is unique. I don't eat beef/pork - you do? That's fine. I'm not going to push my non meat consumption on you. You love snow? I hate it - you go ahead and enjoy it while I sit here enjoying a cup of tea and bitching about how cold it is. You're religious? Go ahead - I am not. And that is just perfectly fine.
I am fine with explaining the different tattoos I have and what they represent. I'm not one to get pissed off by people asking what they mean. As long as that's what you're really asking for.