Thursday, August 8, 2013


If you Really know me, you know that regardless of what happens to be going on in my life at any given moment, I am an angry person. I'm also a silly person, a practical person, a dedicated person, a lazy person, a motivated person, etc. I'm a pretty healthy balance of both ends of the spectrum. Yet, I always come back to the low simmering anger.

Some say that anger isn't healthy. I think that's a load of shit. Anger is what motivates me. I have the ability to harness my anger and use it to help me get through things and get things done. I don't need a DSM-IV code assigned to me for this. Anger is a gift and I like that it's my gift.

These last few weeks have truly sucked. Sadness, fear, more fear, uncertainty, name a few. But it didn't break me. It won't break me. There are some people who would've balled up and cried from the all of it. Other people who may just assume the role of almost a bystander. And then there are those of us who get angry and keep our shit together & get things done.

Yes, I am sad. Sad that my love has to fight so hard, sad that my kids are not getting our full attention this summer (relax, they are being showered with attention & love & ice cream), sad for myself. But where will wallowing in sadness get me?

What's my point here? Well, figure out who you are. Every single component and embrace every single one. Then figure out how to use them to make shit happen-whatever that may be.

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