The Lost Dogs-Jim Gorant
Six Years-Harlan Coben
Night Moves-Randy Wayne White
The Kill Room-Jeffrey Deaver
It-Stephen King
The Mourning Hours-Paula Treick DeBoard
Reconstructing Amelia-Kimberly McCreight
The Never List-Koethi Zan
Always Watching-Chevy Stevens
The Perfect Marriage-Kimberla Lawson Roby
The Fault in Our Stars-John Green
A Serpentine Affair-Tina Seskis
Left Drowning-Jessica Park
Never Knowing-Chevy Stevens
One Step Too Far-Tina Seskis
Where She Went-Gayle Forman
If I Stay-Gayle Forman
These are the books that allowed me to get lost in their words this summer.
I have always been a reader. I read to be entertained, the learn, to connect, to calm my mind.
This summer has not been an easy one. My stress and anxiety have been running at a fairly high level since before school even let out. My mind at a constant state of processing, connecting dots, absorbing, retaining. Books, however, gave my mind a time to slow & take a step back from my real world even if just for five minutes at a time.
Summers prior, I would run. I would run to be alone, to clear my head, to handle my shit. This summer, running wasn't in the cards as I needed to be physically present. It's been 28 days of Chris being in the hospital. I would estimate that it was an equal amount of days in which he was not doing so good while at home. That's close to 60 days of red alert with no ebb & flow. A constant.
I started to fear leaving the house for an extended period of time. What if he needed me? But I couldn't just sit and stare at him (I actually tried that & it didn't go over so well). So I read.
And when bouts of insomnia would keep me up, I would read to settle the constant churning of my mental gears.
Waiting for hours in the emergency room, I read (when not having very intellectual debates with my sister in law).
Sitting in hospital room #1 waiting for endless streams of doctors to provide their insight-I read.
Trying not to allow the term "ICU" be what breaks me-I read.
Just allowing hospital room #3 be the place to allow his body to stabilize-I read to stabilize my mind.
Being present while he sleeps at the rehab hospital where he works so hard to get back to some sense of normal-I read.
It is my escape from sadness when it starts to creep in. It is my escape from fear. It is where I go when I want to throw a full blown temper tantrum (eh, to be honest here-the tantrum sometimes wins).