Saturday, August 11, 2012


As I sit here typing this, I'm trying to figure out a way to NOT have my negative feelings from today's run take over my entire week of training. I will do my best.
I have been working so hard. My entire body right now is just fatigued. It's not helping that I haven't been sleeping great and that I have woken up the last few days with serious sinus pressure.

During the week I spent my time doing about 4 mile runs (I've been playing around with my walk break intervals), Turbo Jam, and Turbo Sculpt. I've also been doing way more core work in order to avoid the lower back fatique as the training runs get longer.

My nutrition has been spot on. I'm logging every single thing - including GU, my coffee, whatever. I'm making much better choices yet I also refuse to totally deny myself what I love (ie: coconut ice cream).

For whatever reason I was feeling anxiety about today's long run. Probably turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy in a sense. A 10 miler is long but it's not a distance I'm unfamiliar with. Somehow though, I still didn't sleep - I tossed & turned and thought about it. I want to be able to just go out there and RUN. I'm so damn sick of walk breaks and feeling like a wuss. I don't get why in my 3rd marathon training season I'm STILL going the same pace and I'm still dependent on walk breaks. WTF?

I dreaded going out but skipping a long run is just not an option. I just was so beat down. My water bottles felt heavy, my legs didn't want to move, sweat was dripping in my eyes & temporarily blinding me. I wanted to just go home. I walked more than I ran which just really pissed me off. Right now, I'm just so annoyed.

I will go easy on myself the next two days. I will spend some time swimming and stretching...and maybe a brisk walk. I will get back in the running groove on Tuesday.

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