Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July Wrap-Up

Since my last post, I have put in lots and lots of miles. I've been fairly consistent with my scheduled runs and I've been doing my best to incorporate cross-training and strength. I've been sticking with Turbo Jam - sometimes Cardio Party, sometimes Turbo Sculpt. Every once in a while I through in a Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred - I feel like it shocks my muscles and wakes up those that have been on autopilot.

As for my sneakers, my wallet took a hit when I opted to take the next step in the world of Newtons. Worth every penny! My piriformis, my hamstring, my knee, - you name it- are ALL happier. Which makes me happier. Cause & Effect :)

I haven't had a chance to go back into this blog and look at previous July posts but I'm confident that I said something about the heat. I have NEVER felt so hot and drained as I did on last Saturday's 12 mile long run in Florida. Obviously, on run days I made a point to get out early when it's cooler and my mom & I went the route that provided the most shade. On 3-4 mile runs, not a problem. The first Saturday we were down there, our long run was a 9 miler. HOT. We went over the bridge that was just blazing sun - the entire time I was thinking, "Holy shit, how are we going to do the 12 miler??" Throughout the week, I tried to keep my muscles primed with swimming, stretching and some water jogging/squats. I ate more than needed and I had a beverage here & there but I kept my hydration solid.
Saturday's 12 miler was a KILLER. Hot doesn't even describe it. Legs were like lead, head was foggy. There was a slow, limping walk to wrap up the mileage but That's what matters.

Now we are home and the training is about to seriously ramp up. I'm excited, a bit anxious, and ready for it. I'm stronger this year. I'm eating better this year.
I'm still slow - maybe I always will be. But I can go the distance. And I will.

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