Friday, July 22, 2011

It's Friggin Hot.

Normally I would post at the end of the week following my long run but I like to keep you on your toes. And I didn't do a long run last weekend so I didn't post an update.

I have finally started the official training - meaning, the training that is mapped out in a spreadsheet that is hanging on the refrigerator...this allows me to cross off the days as I do them. This seems to work well for me. I'm thinking maybe I should do something like this year round. After this weekend, I will have completed week 1 of the marathon training schedule.

All has been going well although I feel as if I have no stamina or endurance. First off, I don't think my body is made for running. I can powerwalk with no problems at all but within 30 seconds of going into a run I'm DONE. So my alternating run-walk-run has turned more to walk-run-walk. Maybe it's the heat...maybe it's not. And the fact that I keep looking at my watch to try to stick to some kind of set intervals is really starting to piss me off. I feel like it takes away from my ability to get into some sort of groove. Well wouldn't you know, Jeff Galloway posted on Twitter that he is now selling a vibrating interval timer that's about the size of a pedometer! I ordered it. I'm hoping for a few things - 1. it keeps me more consistent and honest with my intervals and 2. it allows me to get into some kind of groove.

Now let's talk heat. It's summer so I know it's hot. I've been getting out the door for my runs by 7:15am in order to beat some of the heat. But 105-110 degrees with humidity is a bit much for me. So yesterday, today & tomorrow I'm not running. But I also can't just sit here so I've started P90x. I started with Plyometrics. The dude specifically says this is for athletes (which I still don't consider myself) - it helps to build legs muscles, endurance, burn fat, etc. It kicked my ass. I had to modify a few things - whether they were just too damn hard or I didn't like the movement and I was a little afraid of hurting a knee or ankle. But I finished the 60 minutes o' torture. Yesterday I tried Shoulders & Arms. This was good. I used a lighter weight and did 15 reps each move. I sweat my booty off for 60 minutes with this one too. Today I may try to Kenpo for cardio.

My long run will be EARLY Sunday morning - and will be about 10 miles. Part of me is excited to get back into this but then part of me is scared as hell.

As for nutrition, I'm tracking my food on Sparkpeople. I like this BUT my one complaint is that it doesn't adjust my dietary requirements based on my physical activity. It has me eating 1200-1500 calories/day (this also gets broken down into carbs/protein/fat)...but with my run & P90x the other day I BURNED 700 did not make any adjustments for this. It suggests I make adjustments. If I knew how to do this properly, I probably wouldn't have to be tracking my food on Sparkpeople in the first place! I found another site that does this BUT it's also $3/week and although that doesn't seem like much, I feel like I'm gonna get ripped off.

That's about all for now. Stay cool.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

8.2 miles done...

After enjoying last weekend's holiday weekend, I was determined to kick consistent training into gear. I completed 4 days of 4 miles day of yoga and two days I added in about 20 minutes of pilates after my run. I was feeling pretty good. Until the "long run".
This week's long movement was to be 8 miles. My intention was to get this done Saturday but I got out the door just a little too late for a Triple H kind of summer day so I opted to just do 4 miles on Saturday and then the 8 miles on Sunday.
So today I set out around 7:30am. Definitely not as humid as yesterday. I didn't do too well. I got it done but it was rough. The first four miles just sucked. I just didn't have any kind of stamina. I wound up running a song and then walking a song. I also played around with my watch since it's been really off lately. At 4.1 miles I made a quick pit stop at home and took some GU. This seemed to help me get to mile 7. After that - it ALL went bad. If I could've taken a nap in the middle of the road I would have. It sucked. And the thing is, the last 4 miles I decided to do a reverse loop (something I've never done before)...what I didn't take into account was the damn hill I would hit at mile 7.5. I literally stopped in my tracks, groaned loudly and walked up it. By the time I got down the other side I was crying. I apologize to the residents here who saw me crawling and crying. Since I've never moved that direction before, you've never had the opportunity to witness this spectacle.
Needless to say, my confidence right now is at an all time low. I feel like a total shit. Once again I feel I'm in way over my head. And although I know I'm supposed to focus on the current movement (because that was most certainly not running) - I'm having a hard time believing I'm going to be able to "man up" and get the 26.2 damn miles done in 118 days.
On a positive note, my fundraising has hit 91%. Almost there!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

back to bidness...

OK - so last week I was consistent with my base building...this is an important step before training officially starts on July 18th. I did about 4 miles 3 times during the week then did an 8 mile long "movement". We've already established that I'm not necessarily's more of a jog, shuffle, walk, power walk, stop to cry, maybe dry heave, etc. But whatever you want to call it, I get it done.
As usual, I had my share of crazy people talk to me, pass me, whistle, etc. A friend's husband actually asked me if I wore skimpy clothes while running to invite the crazies. He was looking RIGHT at me when he said this with a serious face...I don't think he was joking. are looking at me! Does it look like I should be wearing skimpy clothes and moving??
In terms of pain, there wasn't much of it. I was very hot, tired and sweaty but that's about it. So far so good I guess.
This time around with training I'm also working on my nutrition and strength. The bourbon is on the shelf until I cross the finish line. I will have a beer here & there and there is no way in hell I'm cutting out my coffee...but I will, as usual, drink a shitload of water. I'm also fine-tuning my protein drink. Here's how I make it as of now (and it's quite delightful!):
3 ice cubes
1 scoop chocolate Spiru-tein
3 count pour of coconut water
6 oz. coconut MILK
1 small handful frozen mixed berries
1 tsp of flaxseed oil

I'm doing Vinyasa yoga about 2 times per week to stretch me out and help strengthen a bit...I'll keep the room kind of hot too in order to sweat out even more impurities and really heat up the muscles.

In terms of strength - I'm going old school. Hand weights, crunches, planks, squats, 4 direction leg lifts with ankle weights, push ups, etc.

Hopefully, putting all of this will help me, once again, cross that so very far away finish line.

For a few product reviews: My Adidas sneakers are super light and comfy...the Bondi Band I bought to absorb sweat is ok - but for a fraction of the cost you can buy a 5 pack of Goody fabric headbands that also absorb sweat & keep the hair out of the eyes...the 3 different styles of Thorlo socks work well and are super comfy too.

Could use YOUR help coming up with ideas for my playlist. I'm getting a little tired of listening to the same songs. I pretty much like all genres as long as there's a good beat.