Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rutgers Unite!

Well - this was supposed to be a half marathon....meaning 13.1 miles. Apparently the race turned out to be only around 10 miles due to flooding on the course the night before during the torrential rains! Whatever - probably better for me anyway since I went into this completely unplanned. And in reality - I think we managed to do 13.1 anyway since the damn shuttle didn't pick us up where we parked so we had to haul ass to get to the start line on time.
Here's the thing...I was unprepared. No excuses - I slacked off big time. And I know myself well enough to realize my behavioral patterns in life. I tend to slack off, then go balls-out extreme, then get to a good spot where I stay for a while....and then eventually slack off again. I cannot figure out how to be consistent.
So - I slacked off. But I registered and paid the $75 registration so my fat ass was going to show up and do what I could. I was perfectly content with walking the entire way.
On the walk from the car to the start I was playing some mind games. And they weren't pumping me up - they were making me think this was the dumbest thing I've ever done. My friend, April, talked me down off that ledge before I went too far.
At the start line - I happened to be standing a few feet behind the 12 min/mile pacer. As we crossed the start line I decided that I would keep this pacer in my sight for as long as possible. I kept this up until mile 5...even with a few walk breaks. I'm not sure why but I started to slow down knee started to twinge and my ankle was doing that fall asleep tingle that happened at the end of the NYC Marathon. Around mile 6 I stopped at the potty - wow no lines and clean AND toilet paper. My lucky day! Around mile 8 - I saw the "Run Now, Tequila Later" sign which made me giggle and then I realized that I knew where I was....we had speed walked this route in reverse to get to the start...I knew the finish was soon so I kicked up the pace. Last band playing before I rounded the corner for the straight away to the finish line was playing the White Stripes. I laughed - ran harder - and thought, "Did Chris somehow get them to play this song??" - I actually turned around to look for him. But then I heard my name being yelled and I saw Chris & the kids to my right yelling & waving. Awesome feeling! Then I heard my name again....Team McGraw friend, Sharon, was there cheering too!
I crossed that finish line and thought, "No way was that 13.1 miles"...found out a bit later that it was NOT 13.1 but whatever. It was fun. It got me in the mode again....and it was good training for the next 13.1 I have in 2 weeks :)
I feel great despite the little twingey in my knee. I'm glad I did it even though I wasn't really ready for it. And I'm ready to get my shit going!
Plus - I like that I'm getting medals!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Scotland 10K

Wow - I've been a slacker ass. I honestly have nothing/nobody to blame but ME. I've lost all focus and motivation. But that can't last forever - it never does. This is kinda my routine - I can't stick to being a slacker for long - just as I can't seem to stick to training for long.
BUT - when I sign up for a race - I DO IT. So off I headed to Central Park with my little "kilt" my mom made for me...and the Scottish cap Chris gave me to wear. I looked like a hot Scottish mess! :)
I was nervous but I wasn't really sure why. Maybe because I'm aware that I haven't been putting enough (aka: any) time into training...maybe because my knee has been acting a little funky cold medina all week. I actually bought a knee brace/sleeve thingy to give a little extra support.
My mom & I stayed together and did a little Galloway strategy...just untimed. I'm not sure what NYRR is up to but it seems they find humor in having UPHILL races. Fuckers. The downhills were what saved me.
There were SO many people that by the time I got to the actual Start line - the clock had already said 17 I was going to have to do some math in order to figure out my times at each marker (All this because my watch died and I still have not called Garmin to figure out how to handle this!).
I ran a little faster in the park area that STINKS like horse-shit...and then when I did my last mathematical calculation and realized there was a very slight chance I could make a personal record. YEAH! I did it by like 20 seconds! Whatever - I'll take it.
I know full well that I have to step up my game here. I ordered the book, The Long Run, to motivate me a bit...and I bought a marathon training nutrition book.
That's all for now...but I do want to share my horoscope for the day with you:
"All the self-discipline you've been struggling with will reap big rewards today -- there's an impressive finish line looming, and by the end of the day you'll most likely be on the other side of it! Get ready for folks to come out of the woodwork with congratulations. They had more faith in you that you had in yourself, so be sure to thank them for all the support."

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Colon Cancer Challenge

I'm a week late in writing about last weekend's race - sorry about that - things have been a little hectic.
OK - so last Sunday my mom and I did the Colon Cancer 4 mile Challenge in Central Park. It was a beautiful day! We had a good time.
My Nike Free sneakers are awesome! I realized that I DISLIKE the Mizunos I got so I'm going to keep them at school to use when I walk/run/etc in the gym.
A bunch of my coworkers are doing the Tough Mudder - I won't be able to join them since it's the Sunday after the marathon but I am going to be part of their team - I'll just be the cheering section! And maybe we can do some training together 1 day a week at lunch in the gym,
I have no race this weekend luckily. I've had bad sinus issues for about 2 weeks which just makes me tired and unmotivated. It probably doesn't help that the friggin' cold weather is still here too.
I have to get my butt in gear...which I say all the time. But I really do.
Next weekend is the Scotland 10k - my mom is making us kilts. Fun.