Sunday, March 7, 2010

Do you GU?

As stated earlier - I am doing this right. I am taking care of myself as best as I can yet pushing myself. With the hopes of continuing with this - it's time to start experimenting with GU or similar. I don't really need it just yet on my long runs since they aren't incredibly long but it's best to test the belly out now.
Stopped at the local running store and stocked up on a couple things to try. And picked up a spibelt too-holds my tissues, GU, chapstick!
Saturday - I run/walk about 6 miles and half way through try a GU gel in orange burst (with caffeine). NASTY. NASTY. NASTY. Like thick baby aspirin. BUT I felt great (until a few hours later when I had some bad heartburn).
Sunday - 8.4 miles. GU Chomps in orange (no caffeine). These I liked. BUT I think I could've used the caffeine. To be honest - I think I let my fear of unknown mileage get the best of me. This is the most I've ever gone. I was excited yet anxious at the same time. 3 miles in and I wasn't at my best. I was walking more then running. My head games were going strong and I had some serious doubt that I would be completing the goal amount for the day. I eat the chomps and just keep going. The tears are threatening to come but since it's such a beautiful day there are a ton of people out and about and I'll be damned if people see me cry about this. 6 miles in, there is no way in freakin' hell I'm finishing today, no way I'm finishing the 15k coming up and no way I'm doing the marathon. WTF was I thinking?!?! I'm in pain, my walk breaks are SLOW. I can barely jog. I decide that when I get to my street I will look down to see if our friends have arrived yet. If they have, I'm calling it a day...if their car is not there then I will somehow keep going. Their car is not there. SON OF A BITCH!! A sob escapes my mouth - it probably takes more effort for me to hold it back then to just let it all out.
7 miles in and I pass 2 guys - they say hello and I barely croak out a hi. There is no way I can do this. This is where some serious mantra kicks in "Mother F-cker. Mother F-cker. Mother F-cker". If you live in the neighborhood and you heard me, I'm sorry but it's all that was coming to mind at the moment. Then a song I usually skip over came on. I would like to thank Incubus for being there when I needed it most. I think the song is called Transmissions. The tears just came, no matter how hard I tried to hold them back. walk walk...limp, limp, limp. Song ends and I realize I don't have far to go. I start joggin, walking, limping...I'M HOME. I DID IT!!
Walk in the door- Chris says "Blau!" I say "How you like me now?!" (this is something that gets stuck in my head after almost every run) and then I burst out crying.
2 advil and 10 minutes with an ice pack then a hot shower and I'm good as new!


  1. WTG - whatever it takes to get you through!

    I tried a whole bunch of different gel brands and flavors. I eventually settled on GU, although I know Coach Kevin prefers Hammer. I personally need the caffeinated ones - it helps. My favorite caffeinated GUs are Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Mint and Just Plain (I like the first two better. Just Plain is merely non-objectionable).

    Good luck finding the gel of your dreams!

  2. is GREAT that you are experimenting with your nutrition options. Different things work for different folks. In my case, I went through a number of brands and flavors before I settled in on what sits best with me. Specifically, I prefer the Hammer Gel EXPRESSO flavored gels. They aren't too sweet and I've never had any uneasiness that I might have had with one of the sweeter flavors.

    Then again...Sport Beans are another great option, and they come in a variety of flavors as well. SUGGESTION: as you explore these different things, incorporate how they work for you in your logs. Make sure that you don't write off one as 'bad" when you might be having a bad running day, poor hydration, weather impact, etc.

    GREAT JOB on the self-education...and I'm lookin' forward to sharing the road with you in New York City!

  3. Kim... a few more thoughts... SLGC did an excellent test of energy gels. She bought different brands and flavors because taste and texture varies greatly. Try and take the nutrition early and on a regular basis. Do not wait until you are in an ugly place to try and recover. you can't. For my long runs I take an energy gel every 45 minutes or so to keep my levels stable. Also, make sure you are getting some electrolytes! Sodium, potassium, magnesium! Lack of elctrolytes will cause a bonk quicker than anything. email if you need more info!

  4. Yup - I bought different brands and different flavors. Also, some with caffeine and some without. I know myself so I know I'm going to gravitate towards the ones with caffeine :)
    I was drinking a few sips of water with the gels or chomps. As for electrolytes - I generally drink coconut water...could I drink this while taking the gels (instead of water)...or maybe I should leave one on my friends porch and grab along the way. Ugh - I have a 15k in 2 weeks and I feel like I'm going to crash & burn.

  5. To clarify with my coconut water - it's 100% natural coconut water (no added sugar or anything)...1 container is 11 fluid oz.
    60 calories (no fat)
    sugars 14g
    Protein 1g
    calcium 40mg
