Sunday, October 21, 2012

Taper time

Ugh, this taper time couldn't come sooner.

The last 13 mile training run took place on Saturday in our usual long run venue. Time wise, we did really well. Pain wise - not so much. My fingers are crossed that I can rest enough and make it through the next 2 weeks injury free, make it through the marathon and then deal with the aches and pains. My knee is twinging in a new spot, my calf muscle is so tight and spasming, my hip is sore, my heel is in constant pain and now the outer edge of my foot is really hurting. ALL of this is on my left leg. I'm going to imagine that somehow, it's all connected.

The mental games have started. The doubt creeps in. I know it happens at this point in training yet it still gets to me. I want to go into this confident.

Excitement is also trying to gain some footing. The pile of crap has started for me to pack, unpack, repack, unpack, etc, etc, etc. I'm planning on packing twice what I need just in case.

WEATHER. One day the forecast says rain, the next says sunny. I have gotten very lucky the last 2 years, I'm hoping the third time is a charm!

I'm tired so I don't have much to say. Next week perhaps I'll be more peppy.

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