Sunday, October 21, 2012

Taper time

Ugh, this taper time couldn't come sooner.

The last 13 mile training run took place on Saturday in our usual long run venue. Time wise, we did really well. Pain wise - not so much. My fingers are crossed that I can rest enough and make it through the next 2 weeks injury free, make it through the marathon and then deal with the aches and pains. My knee is twinging in a new spot, my calf muscle is so tight and spasming, my hip is sore, my heel is in constant pain and now the outer edge of my foot is really hurting. ALL of this is on my left leg. I'm going to imagine that somehow, it's all connected.

The mental games have started. The doubt creeps in. I know it happens at this point in training yet it still gets to me. I want to go into this confident.

Excitement is also trying to gain some footing. The pile of crap has started for me to pack, unpack, repack, unpack, etc, etc, etc. I'm planning on packing twice what I need just in case.

WEATHER. One day the forecast says rain, the next says sunny. I have gotten very lucky the last 2 years, I'm hoping the third time is a charm!

I'm tired so I don't have much to say. Next week perhaps I'll be more peppy.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

12 and less than 20

I apologize for not filling you in on last week's 12 mile training run. Wasn't much to report. As you know, our long runs take place along the coast from Loch Arbor/Asbury Park and go out and back depending on the mileage required for that run. We do for a few reasons - bathrooms (priority!), water, scenery, people watching, and it's motivating to run when so many other people are also out there being active in some way.

Due to scheduling conflicts with both kids having soccer games around the same time but at different fields, my mom and I stayed local for last weekend's 12 miler. At this point in the training schedule, a 12 miler is actually a distance we look forward to as a much needed break for tired legs. But we take for granted how much the mind can control the situation. Since we stayed local we just ran the streets around here. SUCKED. We were like 6 miles into it and we were both complaining of boredom. Horrible. Nobody was out there, we were just zigzagging the roads to try to get our watches to jump ahead a few miles. The boredom was also allowing me time to over think - like I don't do this enough! I was not happy with that run.

Yesterday was our last (hurray!!) 20 miler for training. I was having some anxiety. I just wanted to do it and be happy with it but I knew that was a long shot. My legs have been really tired, I have not hydrated well the last week, and my left foot's plantar fasciitis has not cooperated. It's not a run to skip though so we manned up and out we went along the boardwalk. We were doing really well for I'd say the first 12 miles - we were keeping a decent slow training run pace and the walk break we took were kept to a minimum.

Since it's also the time in training to make sure that race day attire works well, I had everything on that I planned to wear race day. I don't know WTF was going on but other than my socks and sneakers, it was ALL wrong. The tank I wear under my t-shirt wouldn't stay in place and I had to keep yanking it down. The super-cute 80's inspired Team McGraw cut shirt kept falling off (a good thing in a way since it means I've gotten smaller since it was cut!), my new pants turned out to be a little too big or something because they kept sliding. Wrong, wrong, wrong. This all needs to get fixed and pronto.

Anyway, after a decent 12 miles, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the return mileage was HARD. I didn't throw myself on the boardwalk or cry (I have been known to throw dramatics in during long runs years prior) but I did walk more than I had wanted. We were hurting. Legs were like lead. We could see Asbury's Convention Hall in the not too far distance but it just felt like one of those dreams when you're in a hallway and you're trying to get to the end but the hallway keeps getting longer and longer. Finally, finally, finally we were done. Just short of 20 miles.

For about 8 hours after, my left upper side/hip all the way to the tip of my big toe HURT. Not like, "oh I'm tired and sore"...but like, "Holy shit! What is wrong with my leg? Am I going to be able to do the marathon??" I just kept stretching, took a bit of Advil and woke up this morning A-OK.

The much needed taper is here. Although I'm looking forward to the marathon - I think I'm looking more forward to it being over. Maybe it's just where I am in terms of training right now. Or maybe it's knowing I'm still slow as hell.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Shy of 20!

Saturday morning was supposed to be a 20 miler...we came in a tiny bit under 20. As per our usual long run we start off in Loch Arbor, hit the Asbury Park boardwalk and just GO. And GO. And GO.
This time we took a couple of detours onto side streets in Bradley Beach and Belmar just to check a few things out. We also went a different way once we hit the end of the boardwalk - we ventured into the neighborhoods of Spring Lake and Sea Girt before turning around.
Within the first 2 miles I knew my heel was going to be a problem. My legs also felt weak and tight. It's a reminder that on weekdays I HAVE to squeeze in my workouts regardless of how tired I am.
The highlights of the run were that I caught a puppy RIGHT before he ran into Ocean Ave - got off leash on the beach and just took off. The other awesome thing was a "woman" (I put this in quote because I'm not really sure WTF I was looking at!) - full neck to ankle PLEATHER jumpsuit with knee high stiletto boots and this reddish hair that HAD to be a wig...just walking down the boardwalk.
Mom - "Is that a hooker?"
Me - "IDK but if it is she clearly doesn't do enough business...that's PLEATHER"

I'm starting to getting a little nervous. Not many long runs left. The next one is a nice "short" 12 miler....the one after that is 20 and we WILL hit 20.
I'm worried it's going to be crappy weather Marathon Sunday. I'm worried about staying close to time goal. I'm worried my heel is just going to give out.