Monday, June 18, 2012

Portugal Run

Extremely early on Father's Day I awoke to get myself together in order to hit Central Park for the Portugal run 5 miler. There used to be a day that a 5 mile run would make me anxious, then came a day when a 5 mile run was looked forward to. This run just was what it was. I knew that I could complete a 5 mile race somehow, if my leg started to hurt really bad I felt comfortable walking. But at the same, I've been trying to minimize walk breaks (or at least run faster between walk breaks!). What had me somewhat concerned was that I had not had a solid week of training.

Last week of school craziness and other obligations kept me from really being able to put any time in and left me feeling completely exhausted. 5 miles could definitely be completed but would've been even better had I had a better training week.

The race itself was fine - weather was overcast and actually a little chilly in the early hours. I cannot find my damn arm warmers anywhere so I toughed it out and started the race with goosebumps. Again, I wore the Newtons - what I like about these on a race day is that I can't walk as fast on my walk breaks so I force myself to run more. This all would be great if my left leg didn't start twinging just getting to the start line! A mile into the course and was digging my fingers into my booty muscle for counterpressure. This also left me with the rest of the rest time repeating to myself, "Make an appointment with the sports doctor, Make an appointment with the sport doctor." I got it done, slower than I would've liked but not horrible so I am content.

My pride sits with my kids right now. They are rockstars on the track. Marley brought home a 2nd place medal for the Relay Championships! Little 6 year old Sean brought home a bronze medal for the Relay Championships - a bronze medal is quite amazing considering he raced with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders! He also was awarded with a Coach Award - an engraved trophy recognizing his awesomeness. ROCK.STARS.

With official marathon training starting in about 2 weeks I'm getting myself on track physically and mentally. I'm anxious but also excited. Miles and miles will be put in. This year I will be incorporating more yoga and strength. My nutrition is a little more primed as well.

If you haven't donated yet, I beg you to please do so. xoxo

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