Sunday, June 24, 2012

Giants Stadium 5k

Worked diligently this week to make sure that my upcoming training schedule will work. I made sure to run on the days I have slated to run on. I also made sure I could fit in yoga & strength training. I love summer! What will happen when school starts back up in September is still an unknown.

I feel good. Still trying to come up with a realistic diet but I'm a work in progress. I know I am going in the right direction so I will just keep at it. This training week wrapped up with a Giants Stadium Run with Champions 5k. Last night I made a big announcement (well, I said it out loud so that's big) that I was going to run this race hard. Didn't turn out that way. Interesting crowd at this race. Lots of first time race participants (you can tell by the water stations). Obviously lots of Giants fans too.

I want to give big ups to the runners & walkers today because today was the first race I have ever been in where it was SILENT during the National Anthem. I am not an overly patriotic person but I am silent during this or sing along and it Pisses me off that people continue their conversations. Anyway-it was a nice change.

It was Hot though. You would think 82 degrees would be a treat considering the week we had but it was scorching. No shade. Cooking blacktop. Yuk. As a NYRR race you knew you could at least count on the water stations. Just hot. I just couldn't pick up my pace. It's done though. I finished yet I didn't come close to busting my PR like I had hoped.

I'm excited yet anxious to start crossing off the official marathon training days. 132 days to go. So close yet so far.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Portugal Run

Extremely early on Father's Day I awoke to get myself together in order to hit Central Park for the Portugal run 5 miler. There used to be a day that a 5 mile run would make me anxious, then came a day when a 5 mile run was looked forward to. This run just was what it was. I knew that I could complete a 5 mile race somehow, if my leg started to hurt really bad I felt comfortable walking. But at the same, I've been trying to minimize walk breaks (or at least run faster between walk breaks!). What had me somewhat concerned was that I had not had a solid week of training.

Last week of school craziness and other obligations kept me from really being able to put any time in and left me feeling completely exhausted. 5 miles could definitely be completed but would've been even better had I had a better training week.

The race itself was fine - weather was overcast and actually a little chilly in the early hours. I cannot find my damn arm warmers anywhere so I toughed it out and started the race with goosebumps. Again, I wore the Newtons - what I like about these on a race day is that I can't walk as fast on my walk breaks so I force myself to run more. This all would be great if my left leg didn't start twinging just getting to the start line! A mile into the course and was digging my fingers into my booty muscle for counterpressure. This also left me with the rest of the rest time repeating to myself, "Make an appointment with the sports doctor, Make an appointment with the sport doctor." I got it done, slower than I would've liked but not horrible so I am content.

My pride sits with my kids right now. They are rockstars on the track. Marley brought home a 2nd place medal for the Relay Championships! Little 6 year old Sean brought home a bronze medal for the Relay Championships - a bronze medal is quite amazing considering he raced with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders! He also was awarded with a Coach Award - an engraved trophy recognizing his awesomeness. ROCK.STARS.

With official marathon training starting in about 2 weeks I'm getting myself on track physically and mentally. I'm anxious but also excited. Miles and miles will be put in. This year I will be incorporating more yoga and strength. My nutrition is a little more primed as well.

If you haven't donated yet, I beg you to please do so. xoxo

Sunday, June 10, 2012

One of my favorites

NYC Marathon - a whopping 26.2 miles - is one of my two favorite races. The amount of training, the excitement, the crowds, all of the craziness. Fast or slow doesn't matter - it's the overall experience. I was sucked into this race when I went about 4 years ago to cheer on a dear friend. Who knew the day would be so emotional and I would be so inspired that I would participate the following year.

In training, there is racing. A way to practice race day prep, a way to practice calming of the nerves (and poop), and a way to get accustomed to race day territory. My very first race I completed before I decided to participate in the marathon. My nerves were running on high but I wasn't alone that day. I was there with  the crazy woman who brought me into this running lunacy.

At some point I came to the realization that I wouldn't always be attending races with someone and that I would have to figure out how to do this on my own. Hence, the NYRR Women's Mini 10k. What better race could there be for me to do on my own? This race is about women and running. 40 years ago, women didn't run because it was thought that they couldn't handle it. Fuck that. I may be slower than slow but I WILL get it done. So my first solo race was finished!

This year a whole bunch of people I know raced the 40th anniversary Mini 10k. That's 6.4 miles of women moving. 6,122 finishers! Pretty damn awesome. I ran well for the most part. The first mile I maintained 10:15 pace - WAY too fast but I felt good and it was nice and flat. After that, once we turned into Central Park, the hills started. I slowed it down and turned on my Galloway timer (it's an small clip on timer that I use to program my walk run intervals). For this race I opted for 2 minutes of running and 30 seconds of walking. Luckily I have a math friend who entertains me by completing all race time calculations for me. She figured a run of 11 min/miles and a walk of 15 min/miles would put me around 1hr 15 min - if I hit that I would PR but it also left me about 3 minutes of wiggle room.

At exactly mile 4.75 my hamstring felt like it was going to explode. It had been twinging since about mile 2 or so but I could manage the twinges. I had on the Newtons and I truly believe that they helped me. Had I started the race heel striking, the twinges would've started sooner. I also made a point of getting into Chi running posture (as much as I know how) as often as I could - I just don't know how to maintain this posture. At mile 4.75, me, Emme, my mom & her friend Paula had all come together and were moving together at a nice steady pace when things turned from twinge to pain. I slowed down to a walk. I shook out my legs, did some quick stretches, anything to just get me moving again. By this time, my group had disappeared. I started to feel deflated as I lurched myself along the course.

I tried to run but could only go about a minute before the discomfort was just too much. Quitting is not an option so I switched gears to a super slow 1 minute jog, 1 minute walk. I kept glancing at my watch and wrestling the conflicting thoughts: I'm never going to break my time and Shut up and just finish the damn thing.

At the 800 meter mark I picked up my jog pace, took a brisk walk break right before the 400 meter mark and then RAN my ass to that finish line. A new PR was born!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bras, Bras, and Freebies

There are so many things I need to talk about today. I don't even know where to start so I will just go through my last week and hopefully keep you entertained.

Sport Bra! Get your sport bra!
I have quite a few sports bras. I take care of my girls and I don't screw around when it comes to support. Two of my bras (Champion) have my approval for long runs, two bras for short & medium runs, and one bra just for yoga. I would really love to purchase another super supportive sports bra for long runs. Problem is that I have been losing weight, gaining muscle, and shape shifting so I'm hesitant to get a bra right now and wind up wasting $50 or so. However, I love a good sale so when I came across a brand name sports bra on a running website for 50% off I jumped at the chance.
Good thing I'm smart and opted to try this bra out during Turbo Jam instead of out on the streets for a run. Within 5 minutes of twisting and punching, the front zipper unzipped and there I was exposed. Not good. What if I was out for a run and this happened??

Pain. Serious Pain. Piriformis, hamstring, IT band, - basically from the knee to my hip on the left side. I'm working very hard to fix this. Building up the muscles, foam rolling, stretching, etc. I'm making an appointment to see a nearby doctor who specializes in sports medicine. He is an endurance athlete himself so hopefully he'll get me going good. Or at least get me to massage therapy or something.

Due to the pain, I've been scared of running. I know it's going to hurt. Yet when I wear the Newton's my mom got, the pain is seriously reduced. Thankfully, my mom loves me and just gave these miracle sneakers to me so I don't have to shell out $175. I will keep transitioning to them - and perhaps someday I will be a full time Newton runner. For now I will remain part-time Asics, part-time Newton.

As a New York Road Runner member and 9+1 participant, I volunteer at one race per year. Last year I handed out bagels post-race. This year I was at the t-shirt tent. Despite the fact that I had to wake up at 4 IN THE MORNING, I was still managing to have a good time. By 8:30am, the race started and we were told we were done. Wait! Not so fast! They decide to move us over to the "festival" area to hand out free junk food. As annoying as this was, I couldn't really say anything because a volunteer spot is a 4-hour shift and I had only done 2 hours. All was going well handing out the MSG laden garbage until the feisty post-race runners and spectators forgot about manners and started pushing & shoving each other. No, I'm not having that. I offered up my middle school teacher scowl and told them to settle themselves down and stop pushing for FREE JUNK FOOD - f*cking idiots. My mom's side of the freebie table was even more chaotic with pushing & shoving. She had to get all kindergarten teacher-y on them and withhold the treats until they could get their acts together. Jesu Cristo people - it's nasty ass chips we're talking about here. No need to become barbaric.

Weekly Public Service Announcement: If you are a woman with an A cup - DD cup+ WEAR A BRA. I do not care what you do in your house or in your yard but out in public, PLEASE spare the rest of us and put a friggin' bra on.

Next Saturday is the Mini 10k. Other than the marathon - this is my favorite race. Can't wait to tell you all about it!