Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Momma's Day

To kick off the day, my mom and I ventured to Central Park to run our 2nd Japan Day four miler.
4:15am wake up, enough coffee to feel human and an easy train ride in turned bad when my digestive track decided today would be the day to go bonkers. This is not fair. I was really looking forward to running a good race and feeling a sense of accomplishment with an improved finish time. By the time I got to Penn Station and had to power walk to the bathroom I was confident that today wasn't going to be my day for running.
TWO Immodium and 3 port-a-potty visits before the race start. Not good. I completed the race but I wound up having to power walk 99% of it. The running movement jostled my insides too much and had me hunting and whimpering for a potty. I considered quitting but 1) I want the damn race credit and 2) I would still have to get all the way to the finish line to get back on the subway so...I walked it. I finished. My time turned out to not be all that bad anyway so I'll deal with it.
It's a beautiful day so I'm not going to let a little poop ruin it - that's for sure!

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