Monday, December 28, 2009

Hitting submit

Well there it sat. The email stating that registration is now open for Team McGraw's 2010 NYC Marathon training team. After sitting and staring at the email for close to 10 minutes - Chris finally urges me to just fill out the application. I mean, with all the people applying to the various charities to get on a team in order to gain guaranteed race entry (and raise money for good causes of course!), what's the chance that I would get on my 1st choice team?
12 hours later I get an email entitled, "Welcome to Team McGraw!"
Oh shit. What did I just do?

And this all happens when holiday festivities are kicking into gear and I'm trying to "rest" my leg. Well - the marathon isn't until November 2010 so a few weeks off won't do much harm, will it?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for pulling the trigger! As director of the Team McGraw program, I've saddled up more than a few times with our teams of runners, including two previous New York City marathons...and I assure you, running with a team for a cause you believe in makes a wonderful and enriching difference in the journey; we are proud to have you joining us on this adventure!
