Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Back to business...

So now knowing I got on the team, it's time to shift from holiday glutton to marathon runner.
First thing - new sneakers. The ones I have been running with have seen better days. First stop Kohls....my thinking was - if I could get great sneakers at a cheaper price then I could buy 2 pairs! Bad idea.
#1 I don't friggin' know what kind of sneaker is best for me. Do I overpronate? Am I neutral? I don't know.
#2 Since I don't know, there seems to be about 200 sneakers to try on...well - 200 options when you realize I went to Kohls then Famous Footwear then to DSW where the tears finally started to flow because I was on overload.

And quite frankly, I was letting fear get the best of me. Sneakers are important to run hundreds of miles while training and of course, the 26.2 miles on the big day.
Sanity struck (temporarily) and I realized that the smartest thing for me to do was go to a running store and speak with the professionals. Wow what a difference. Apparently I do moderately overpronate (which could be fueling my leg pain since I wasn't wearing the best sneakers). Now my options were narrowed down to try on only 8 pairs and it was obvious which one was right for me.
Time to test them out! Monday morning bright and early I hit the streets...2.6 miles later my feet feel great. My body on the other hand was screaming at me for taking a 3 week rest and eating/drinking crap. How was I running 8 miles a few weeks ago?? Uh-oh.
I've got plenty of time to train slowly - don't need another injury and don't need to burn out.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Hitting submit

Well there it sat. The email stating that registration is now open for Team McGraw's 2010 NYC Marathon training team. After sitting and staring at the email for close to 10 minutes - Chris finally urges me to just fill out the application. I mean, with all the people applying to the various charities to get on a team in order to gain guaranteed race entry (and raise money for good causes of course!), what's the chance that I would get on my 1st choice team?
12 hours later I get an email entitled, "Welcome to Team McGraw!"
Oh shit. What did I just do?

And this all happens when holiday festivities are kicking into gear and I'm trying to "rest" my leg. Well - the marathon isn't until November 2010 so a few weeks off won't do much harm, will it?