Sunday, September 22, 2013


I need one. Badly. I also need a pedicure. And some yoga. And perhaps to actually put my sneakers on and go for a walk. And you're not supposed to start a sentence with "and" but I'm a rule breaker.

I need to take care of me. Every single awake moment has been spent taking care of others. Even the few times I've gone out I spent thinking and worrying of those I'm caring for.

We've all heard it a million times...take care of yourself so you're physically and mentally able to continue to take care of others. Easy to say when you're not in the thick of it.

It's true though. After all these months of not doing a damn thing for myself, it's catching up to me. I look like shit and I feel like shit.

So yesterday I decided to start thinking about me. I did some retail therapy. This won't provide any long term good feelings, I know, but I'm hoping that it at least starts up the routine of setting aside ME time.

But first I need to switch the laundry, empty the dishwasher, make breakfasts, put laundry away, vacuum, walk the dog, etc, etc, etc.