Friday, December 10, 2010

Future plans...

It seems I have inspired others around me. My mom has decided to run the Jersey Shore 1/2 marathon at the beginning of May  - which means I signed up too. My friend, Michelle, signed up for the Rutgers half at the end of April - which means I signed up for that as well. For me - these are good events to keep me motivated through the winter. Tis the season where I usually slack off - I don't like cold and I don't like darkness.
Now my mom has also signed up with Team McGraw for the 2011 ING NYC Marathon. Wow! She is not a runner - she is a crazy ass fast walker. Always has been. She's trying to throw in a few run bursts here & there now though. She's also working on getting her walking partner to sign up for the marathon so they can stick together. I went out with them last weekend for a walk/run. Saturday we did 3.5 miles; Sunday we did 5.5 miles. It felt good! In all honesty - I have done shit since the marathon. Prior to last weekend I think I made it out for a walk or run only twice.  Not good.
I'm just so damn tired. I'm really stressed out about a bunch of other things in my life which means I'm not sleeping well. I'm waking up around 3:30-4:00am and there I sit. Tossing & turning. But come 8:00pm - I'm dog tired and that's the end of it.
So - at my early wake up this morning, I decided that once I can breathe through my nose again, I will be using my insomnia as an opportunity to get in some super early morning runs. Anyone know where I can get those little flashlights that strap around your hands or wrists - or even built into gloves?? These are specifically for running in the dark.
This should help with my spring half marathon training goals. The distance doesn't scare me so I'm going for time goals. I still do not consider myself a runner though. I think the goals I have set for myself are realistic. I'm just looking to shave some time.
And the big news....despite the fact that I said I would NEVER run a full marathon again - I have signed up with Team McGraw once again to run NYC in 2011 and raise some $Cashola$. I'm worried about raising that much money again though. Hopefully I'll get in the lottery but I'm not counting on it. But my 3:30am wake up today gave me some time to think of a few ways that I may be able to raise donations. I'm thinking Etsy - and I'm thinking artwork....not mine - Marley & Chris. Will keep you posted on that.